How Drugs Work


  1. Unit Guide
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  2. Overview
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  9. Appendix-Content Standards
  10. Endnotes
  11. Annotated Bibliography

Cardiovascular Medications, Beta-Blockers and their Effect on Cells

Deborah Smithey

Published September 2012

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Annotated Bibliography

"Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: what to do if the serum creatinine and/or serum potassium concentration rises,""http://ndt.oxfordjournals/at Yale University. I974 (assessed July 17, 2012)

"Be one in a Million this American Hear Month, "Center for Disease Control. January 30, 2012. (assessed July 9, 2012) Website provides information about the latest initiative taken by the federal govern Government.

Baughman, Kenneth L., Baumgartner, William A. "Treatment of Advanced Heart Disease. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2006. 191-192.

"Cardiac Medications, "American Heart Association. groups/heart-publicwcm/Ahem/documents/downloadable/ucm_304568.pdf. 2,3,4. (assessed July 11, 2012).

Website classifies the ten groups of medications used to treat cardiovascular diseases. It provides a very used chart because it will allow you to see what the the medication does in the body and the reason for taking a specific type of heart medication.

"Cardiovascular Drug Delivery-technologies, markets, and companies." February 1, 2012.—technologiesmarkets-and-companies-138466949.html. (assessed July 9, 2012).

Cruickshank, J. M. and B.N.C. Prichard, "Beta-blockers in Clinical Practice".London Churchill Livingstone: London 1987. 1,2. Book provides detailed Information about Beta-blockers in an easy to read form

Epstein, Murray, MD, FACP, Brunner, Hans R. MD, "Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists." Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, 2001. 329,330. Book provided a comprehensive look at the role played by Angiotensin II receptor Antagonists.

Kostis, John B. MD, DeFelice, Eugene A. MD, "Beta Blockers in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease," New York: Raven Press, 1984. 1,3. Book provides description of the information about how Beta-blockers are used in Treating cardiovascular disease.

"List of Beta Blockers," beta- blockers/list-of beta-blockers.html. (assessed July 9, 2012).

Opie, Lionel H. MD. PhD, FRCP "Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors," New York: Authors' Publishing House, 48, 61. Book describes the clinical basis of using ACE inhibitors.

Schachter, Michael, MRCP, "ACE Inhibitors, Current Use an Future Prospects," United Kingdom: Martin Dunitz LTD, 68. Book provides background information how ACE inhibitors is used to treat various Form of cardiovascular disease.


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