Subunit 2: Marketing and the American Diet
The following activities will help students explore why so many Americans are obese and undernourished at the same time.
1. A Look at Advertising: Students will view commercials for junk foods. Students will determine the target audience for each commercial and provide evidence that the commercial is advertising to that audience. Students will then discuss why the corporation would market to that particular audience (commercials include advertisements for McDonald's, Burger King, Coca-Cola, and 3 Musketeers Light). We will conclude the discussion with a quote from Marion Nestle, "Food companies will make and market any product that sells, regardless of its nutritional value or its effect on health. In this regard, food companies hardly differ from cigarette companies. 43"
2. Questioning Advertisements: Students will notice that there are not health food advertisements by farmers ("Strawberries aren't labeled as having ten percent of a daily recommended vitamin. Real food doesn't need decorations or high-pressure advertising. 44").
- a. Vitamin and Mineral Readings: Students will complete a reading with questions about the essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health. Readings include information on toxicity and deficiency for vitamins and minerals, in addition to the daily recommended values 45.
- b. Healthy Food Commercial: Individually, students will read "Snack Food can be Real Food. 46" Then, in groups, students will pick a healthy snack and create an advertisement that markets to their age group while advertising the vitamin and mineral benefits of this healthy snack.