The Art of Biography


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Content Objectives
  2. Teaching Strategies
  3. Classroom Activities
  4. Teacher Resources
  5. Appendix
  6. Notes

The Tangled Web of Richard III: Shakespeare and the Art of Biography

Elizabeth A. Daniell

Published September 2013

Tools for this Unit:


1. Shapiro, The Year of Shakespeare: 1599, 123.

2. Henry, "Shakespeare and Wordsworth Boost the Brain, New Research Reveals."

3. The Reader, "The Power of Poetry: How Serious Literature Can Boost the Brain."

4. ibid

5. Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts, Reading: Literature, Grades 9-10, Standard 3.

6. Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts, Reading: Literature, Grades 9-10, Standard 5.

7. Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts, Reading: Literature, Grades 9-10, Standard 9.

8. Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts, Speaking & Listening, Grades 9-10, Standard 1.

9. Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts, Writing, Grades 9-10, Standard 9.

10. Lee, Biography: A Very Short Introduction, 1.

11. ibid, 2.

12. Marshall, "Why Biography?"

13. Shakespeare, Hamlet, 3.2.

14. Shakespeare, Sonnet XVIII.

15. Morse, "SOAPSTone: A Strategy for Reading and Writing."

16. Shakespeare, Richard III, 1.1.28-31

17. The Official Website of the British Monarchy, "Elizabeth I."

18. Brown, Shakespeare's patrons & other essays

19. Brown, "A New View: Is This the Real Shakespeare?"

20. The Royal National Theatre,, "A Conversation with Ian McKellen."

21. The Royal National Theatre,, "Richard III."

22. Buckley et al. "'The King in the Car Park': New Light on the Death and Burial of Richard III in the Grey Friars Church, Leicester, in 1485."

23. ibid

24. Morse, "SOAPSTone: A Strategy for Reading and Writing."

25. Being Shakespeare, DVD.


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