1. Hamilton, p. 11
2. The students had to choose someone that had made a positive impact upon the world.
3. Dragnet was a television series in the 50s created by Jack Webb. A key phrase of the main character, Joe Friday, was "Just the facts, ma'am." Joe Friday did not want the witnesses embellishing the story.
4. The picture will be my 1 st grade picture. In the picture, I am full of confidence. It is a month after this picture is taken that something traumatic happens in my life. The point is to brainstorm about the little girl before disclosing the trauma and see if that then affects their perceptions.
5. Lee, p. 1-2
6. Hamilton, Lee, Lomask, Nadel, Rollyson
7. Hamilton, p. 57
8. Lomask, p.4
9. Rollyson, p. 11
10. Hamilton, p. 21
11. Lomask, p. 2
12. Nadel, p. 1
13. Lomask, p. 1
14. Nadel, p. 10
15. Hamilton, p. 91
16. Lomask, p. 10
17. we are talking about a life which begins at birth and ends at death if the subject has already passed
18. by topic
19. Lomask, p. 41
20. Nadel, p.9
21. Lee, p. 6-18
22. Hamilton, p. 94
23. Rollyson
24. Caro, picture insert after page 62
25. Caro, p. 25
26. Caro, p. 25
27. Only 5 of the photos were submitted to the Library of Congress
28. At this point, Florence Owens Thompson was 32 years old and had been living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields and on the birds her children killed. In the few days before the photo she had had to sell the tires from her car to purchase food. Library of Congress.
29. Tougas, p. 38
30. Over 50% of my students are African American and Tulsa is only atwo hour drive from Little Rock, yet my students know little to nothing about this significant historical event.
31. Gabler
32. My sister had the same plate and glass in Mickey Mouse.
33. Gabler, p. 41
34. Gabler, p. 8-9
35. Gabler
36. Gabler, p. 6-7
37. Gabler, p. 10
38. Gabler, p. 14-15
39. Gabler
40. Gabler
41. Gabler, p. 23-24
42. Gabler; Watts
43. due to a lack of interest in anything that did not have to do with drawing or performing
44. Gabler
45. Watts, p. 18
46. Gabler; Stewart
47. Stewart
48. Watts, p. 26-27
49. Gabler; Watts
50. His friend and business partner in Kansas City. Walt realized early on in their relationship that Ub was actually a better and faster drawer than he was.
51. Stewart
52. Stewart; Watts
53. Walt truly never forgot the lessons from the paper route.
54. Watts
55. Stewart, p. 42-43
56. Lillian was one of the original inkers Walt had hired to work on the Alice shorts. She did not go with the others to work for Mintz. Walt always said he fell in love with Lillian's bright, bouncy curls because they matched her personality.
57. Another inadvertent lesson from his father
58. Gabler
59. Stewart
60. Stewart
61. Stewart
62. Stewart
63. Stewart
64. Stewart; Watts
65. Stewart
66. Gabler, p. xii
67. Ibid
68. Buehl, p. 84
69. Kahneman, p. 4
70. Mlodinow, p. 16
71. Buehl, p. 90
72. Buehl, Classroom Strategies
73. Ibid, p. K.3
74. Buehl, p. 131-132