The Art of Biography


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Context
  2. Rationale
  3. Guiding Question
  4. My Biography Assumptions
  5. Objective
  6. Curricular Plan
  7. My biography reeducation
  8. Using pictures to tell the story
  9. Walt Disney
  10. Basic Structure of Class Time
  11. Strategies
  12. Activities
  13. Bibliography
  14. Appendix
  15. Notes

A picture is worth a thousand words: Rediscovering biography

Audra K. Bull

Published September 2013

Tools for this Unit:

Curricular Plan

For this unit, I will prepare them for the Brotherhood project by teaching them to use pictures to help tell the biographical story. We will begin our pictorial analysis with a young girl's kindergarten picture to establish the analytical process. 4 I will ask leading questions in an attempt to ferret out more information than hair and eye color and stimulate discussion about what is seen and not seen in the picture.

We will then progress to looking at the iconic pictures of Walt Disney and compare them to the picture on the cover of Neal Gabler's Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination. In our examination of the pictures of Disney we will continue with the analytical process but also add a research component to address our analytical questions in reference to the pictures. We will utilize the on-line data bases compiled by the district, reference books already present in our school library, and the books listed in the bibliography as our reference sources. We will employ the resources in the order of length and complexity beginning with the simplest most rudimentary text first and then scaffolding through the remaining text in order of complexity.

Next, we will analyze iconic pictures representing historic events of the 20 th century. We will apply the same analytic process but then scaffold in research on the backstory behind the iconic picture. In particular we will focus upon the picture of President Johnson found in Robert Caro's The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Means of Ascent, on Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother and on Will Counts' picture of Elizabeth Eckford attempting to enter Little Rock High School on September 4, 1957. Lastly, each student will research iconic pictures of the 20 th century, choose one picture on which to focus, research the backstory of the picture and present their picture and story to the class. The unit will take place in November and December so that it proceeds and lays the foundation for the actual Brotherhood project in their language arts class during January and February.

I did not include the pictures in this unit due to copyright concerns; however, each of the pictures is easily accessible on the internet.


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