Invisible Cities: The Arts and Renewable Community


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. The students
  4. The school
  5. The studied community
  6. Objectives
  7. The Unit
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Notes
  10. Bibliography
  11. A Note about Classroom Resources
  12. Common Core Standards

The Study of a Zip Code: Tulsa's Invisible City

Krista Baxter Waldron

Published September 2013

Tools for this Unit:

A Note about Classroom Resources

For the reading and writing section of this unit, I spent several days doing research. I started with U.S. Census reports since they are easy to access. My librarians introduced me to DemographicsNow which I assume was created to sort and warehouse marketing data. The amount and specificity of information they have on specific households and communities is astounding and a little frightening. Nevertheless, the source provided lots of engaging material in a variety of formats. The main North Tulsa library satellite provided help, as well. I found the 1938 and 1958 reports in vertical files. The documents I intend for student use are described earlier in the unit narrative.


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