Appendix 1
Standards Addressed
Since I teach this class as an AP class, I apply the standards of the College Board. The College Board standards that relate to this curriculum are as follows:
Energy Resources and Consumption
A. Energy Concepts (Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics)
B. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use (Formation of coal, oil, and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/disadvantages of sources)
C. Renewable Energy (Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy;small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmentaladvantages/disadvantages)
I also have applied several standards from the State of Delaware, as they also apply to my curriculum unit.
Delaware Science Standard 2
Materials and Their Properties
Enduring Understanding: Materials' properties determine their use. New materials can improve the quality of life.
Students will be able to explain how development and production often raise social, economic, and environmental issues that require analyses of the risks and benefits.