Microbes Rule!


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Strategies and Activities
  4. Notes
  5. Bibliography
  6. Resources for Teachers
  7. Appendix: Implementing District Standards

Making Connections in Science: Viruses and the Immune System

Kathleen Tysiak

Published September 2014

Tools for this Unit:


1. "The Future is Here: GWCP Brochure."

2. "Illinois State Report Card: Westinghouse High School."

3. Danilova, "Evolution of Immune Mechanisms," 513

4. Mader and Windelspecht, Biology, 631

5. Ibid., 630-632

6. Ibid., 633-639

7. "Immunology Module: Humoral Immunity."

8. Mader and Windelspecht, Biology, 633-639

9. Fauci, "Fauci: Why there is no AIDS vaccine"

10. Riedel, "Edward Jenner", 21

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid., 23

14. Ibid., 24-25

15. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 5

16. Ibid.

17. Ibid., 45

18. Mader and Windelspecht, Biology, 365-366

19. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 5

20. Ibid., 90

21. Blerkom, "Role of Viruses," 18

22. Mader and Windelspecht, Biology, 365-368

23. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 5

24. Ibid., 52

25. Sanjuan, et al., 9738

26. Ibid., 9733-9737

27. Blerkom, "Role of Viruses," 22

28. Ibid., 28

29. Ibid., 22

30. Mansky, "Retrovirus mutation rates," 1340

31. Blerkom, "Role of Viruses," 22-23

32. Ibid., 15

33. Ibid., 32

34. Ibid., 15

35. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 52

36. "CDC HIV/AIDS: Basic Statistics."

37. Ibid.

38. Chicago Department of Public Health, "HIV/STI Surveillance," 5

39. Ramirez et al., "Implications of recombination", 64

40. Ibid., 65

41. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 58

42. Ibid., 59-60

43. Ramirez, et al., "Implications of recombination," 66

44. Ibid., 66-67

45. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 61

46. Ibid.

47. "CDC HIV/AIDS: HIV Among Youth."

48. Fauci, "Fauci: Why there is no AIDS vaccine"

49. Zimmer, Planet of Viruses, 61

50. Fauci, "Fauci: Why there is no AIDS vaccine"

51. Ibid.

52. Mansky, "The mutation rate of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1," 391

53. Lanciault and Champoux, "Pausing during Reverse Transcription," 2483

54. Song et al., "Impact of immune escape," 2-3

55. Ibid., 7

56. "Understanding Evolution: A chink in HIV's evolutionary armor"

57. Fauci, "Fauci: Why there is no AIDS vaccine"

58. Ibid.

59. Ibid.

60. Hütter et al., "Long-Term Control of HIV by CCR5", 692-698

61. Fauci, "Fauci: Why there is no AIDS vaccine"


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