Classroom Activities
Classroom flag
After learning about the American Flag students will create their own classroom flag. The students will determine the colors the flag will be as well as what symbol or symbols will be placed on the flag. Once the flag is designed, students will write a paper describing in detail why they decided on this specific design.
Symbol Search
Even though in the unit I am extensively covering the American flag, the bald eagle, the statue of liberty, and the liberty bell the students will also complete a parent/ student project in which they will pick another U.S. Symbol to research for example the White House, Washington Monument, or Lincoln Memorial. Students will be asked to give a picture of the symbols, tell why the symbol is important, and give 5 interesting facts about the symbols. Students will present projects to the class.
Classroom Pledge
At the conclusion of the unit, the students will write a classroom pledge. They will create a promise to themselves and myself outlining the things they plan to do throughout the school year. Each student will individually write a pledge to share with the class. As a class we will take the ideas we value most to create the classroom pledge. We will then begin to recite the classroom pledge at the start of the school.