Austin, Joe Dan, and Hans-Joachim Vollrath. "Representing, Solving and Using Algebraic Equations." The Mathematics Teacher, no. 82, 608-12. Accessed May 29, 2015. papers/053.pdf. An argument for concrete and pictorial representations of equations in early algebraic reasoning to develop a firm understanding of manipulating equations.
Dacey, Linda, and Drew Polly. "CCSSM: The Big Picture." Teaching Children Mathematics February, 2012:378-83. Accessed May 9, 2015. This paper offers an overview of the structure of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the implications of their implementation.
Dietiker, Leslie. Core Connections. 2nd Ed., Version 5.0, Student ed. Sacramento, Calif.: CPM Educational Program, 2013.This is the textbook for the course I teach.
"Dr. Kate Kinsella - The 4 L's in Precision Partnering." Vimeo. 2013. Accessed July 30, 2015.This video is a sample lesson delivered by Kate Kinsella to highlight her strategies for effective partnered conversations in the classrooms.
England, Lisa. "Raise the Bar on Problem Solving." Teaching Children Mathematics, 2010, 156-63. An overview of the bar model strategy that provides a visual approach to problem solving.
"Hands-On Equations Home Page." Hands-On Equations Home Page. Accessed July 30, 2015.This is the website of the company that produces the "Hands on Equation" balance scales.
Howe, Roger. "From Arithmetic to Algebra." Institute for Mathematics and Education. Accessed July 29, 2015. This note presents the argument that the analysis of word problems and the comparison of arithmetic and algebraic solutions to word problems can help students better understand and access algebra.
Howe, Roger. "Rules of Signs." Accessed July 30, 2015. This note provides justification for the rules of signs that have often confused students and teachers alike.
“Mathematics Standards.” Mathematics Standards. Web. 7 May 2015. A complete list of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics K-12.
Parrish, Sherry. "Number Talks Build Numerical Reasoning - Math Solutions." Teaching Children Mathematics. October 1, 2011. Accessed July 30, 2015. This article outlines the key components and strategies for the successful implementation of number talks in the classroom.
"Paying Attention to Algebra." Accessed July 30, 2015. A useful overview on the concept of algebraic reasoning.
"Standards for Mathematical Practice." Standards for Mathematical Practice. 2015. Accessed May 1, 2015. An overview of the Standards for Mathematical Practices as outlined in the CCSSM.
Wist, Caroline. "Putting It All Together; Understanding the Research Behind Interactive Notebooks." Accessed May 15, 2015. This article offers an overview of the use of Interactive Student Notebooks including research, strategies, advantages and disadvantages.