Why Literature Matters


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale and Background Information
  3. Objectives
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Teacher Resources
  7. Bibliography
  8. Appendix: Incorporating Common Core State Standards
  9. Endnotes

Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature

Robert McKinnon Schwartz

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:


Abrams, M.H. The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, Oxford University Press, 1971.  Containing the pedagogical triangle referenced in this unit.

Baldwin, James. The Fire Next Time. New York: Vintage, 1993. Wherein the featured letter “My Dungeon Shook” can be found.

“Biography: Jacob Lawrence (1917 – 2000).” The Philips Collection. 2016. www.phillipscollection.org/research/american_art/bios/lawrence-bio.htm. For biographical information about Jacob Lawrence.

Bruns, Cristina Vischer. Why Literature? The Value of Literary Reading and What it Means for Teaching. New York: Continuum, 2011. Offers insight into why reading literature is important, including the featured transitional quality of reading.

“Cooperative High School.” U.S. News & World Report. 2016. www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/connecticut/districts/new-haven-school-district/cooperative-high-school-4499/student-body. Offers statistics for the purpose of this unit about the high school at which I currently teach.

Feger, Mary-Virginia, “I Want to Read: How Culturally Relevant Texts Increase Student Engagement in Reading,” Multicultural Education 13.3, (2006): 18 – 19, accessed August, 2016, http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ759630. Helpful in reinforcing the choice of literature (African-American literature) for this unit.

Gaipa, Mark. ""A Creative Psalm of Brotherhood": The (De)Constructive Play in Martin Luther King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail"." Quarterly Journal of Speech 93, no. 3 (08, 2007): 279-307. http://search.proquest.com/docview/62049645?accountid=15172. Insight into Dr. King’s Letter.

Geiger, H. Jack. “Rachel and Her Children.” The New York Times. 1996. http://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/31/books/rachel-and-her-children.html?_r=0. A synopsis of the book featured in this unit.

Hayles, N. Katherine. “How We Read: Close, Hyper, Machine.” ADE Bulletin: Number 150, 2010: 62 – 79. Good information on why reading words from an actual page (as opposed to electronically) is important.

Lewis, David Levering. The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader. New York: Viking, 1994. This is where the excerpt from Passing by Nella Larsen can be found.

“Nella Larsen,” Black History Now, Sept. 16, 2011, http://blackhistorynow.com/nella-larsen/. Biographical information on Nella Larsen.   

“Prints, Drawings, and Photographs: Artist: Jacob Lawrence, American, 1917 – 2000, Workshop,” Yale University Art Gallery, 2016, http://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/27554. The image of the Jacob Lawrence painting is found here.


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