Reading One Another: Fostering Passion and Identity Growth through African-American Literature
Robert McKinnon Schwartz
Published September 2016
- ”Cooperative High School”
- N. Katherine Hayles, “How We Read: Close, Hyper, Machine,” 62.
- Ibid., 66.
- Mary-Virginia Feger, “I Want to Read,” 18.
- “Biography: Jacob Lawrence (1917 – 2000),”
- “Prints, Drawings, and Photographs: Artist: Jacob Lawrence, American, 1917 – 2000,
- “Nella Larsen,” Black History Now.
- Excerpt from Nella Larsen, Passing, The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader.
- Mark Gaipa, ”’A Creative Psalm of Brotherhood,’”280.
- Ibid., 281.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
- Gaipa, 280.
- James Baldwin. The Fire Next Time.
- Ibid., 21.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
- H. Jack Geiger. “Rachel and Her Children.”
- Cristina Vischer Bruns. Why Literature?
- Ibid., 26.
- Gaipa, 281.
- Baldwin, 18.
- Adapted from Abrams, M.H. The Mirror and the Lamp for Why Literature Matters, Yale
National Initiative Seminar. Seminar Leader: Janice Carlisle.