"Over the Rainbow": Fantasy Lands, Dream Worlds, and Magic Kingdoms


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Content Objectives
  4. Background: Arte Popular Mexicano and Alebrijes
  5. Literature Selections
  6. Fairy Tale or Folk Tale?
  7. Storytelling and Language
  8. Strategies
  9. Activities and Essential Questions
  10. Assessment Ideas
  11. Appendix A
  12. Appendix B
  13. Resources for the Classroom
  14. Annotated Bibliography
  15. Endnotes

Afirmando Nuestra Identidad (Affirming Our Identity): Exploring Dream Worlds and Storytelling through Alebrijes

Mary Carmen Moreno

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:

Resources for the Classroom

Ada, Alma Flor., F. Isabel. Campoy, and Rosa Zubizarreta. Authors in the Classroom: A

Transformative Education Process. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2004.

Teacher resource on building enthusiasm for writing for students and families.

Cohn, Diana, and Amy Córdova. Dream Carver. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2002.

Beautifully illustrated story about wood carvings in Oaxaca.

Campoy, F. Isabel., Alma Flor. Ada, and Felipe Dávalos. Cuentos Que Contaban

Nuestras Abuelas: Cuentos Populares Hispánicos. Nueva York: Atheneum Libros Infantiles, 2006.  Compilation of tales from Latin America.

Corona, Pascal. Las Pinatas Magicas. Mexico, D.F.: Libros Del Rincón.

Tale about magic pinatas that take a life of their own at the moment of celebration.

Cuentos Infantiles Cortos de Alebrijes.  Retrieved from:  http://www.amo-

alebrijes.com/cuentos-infantiles-cortos/page/2/.  Resourcesful site with short

stories, information, and coloring sheets of alebrijes. 

Garcia, David.  “Desfile de Alebrijes.”  YouTube.  Accessed August 9, 2016. 

https://youtu.be/g51xwWzsQCs.  Parade coverage of the Annual Alebrije Parade

in Mexico City. 

De La Cruz, Jose. "Lucia Y Los Alebrijes." Vimeo. Accessed August 09, 2016.

https://vimeo.com/49400042.  Short, wordless story about a little girl who encounters an alebrije.

Dominguez, Patricia Carlos. Tsipeni Y Joselito. Chicago: Patricia C. Dominguez, 2015.

Chicago artist made and self-published book about alebrijes and bullying.

Fleischman, Sid. El Ladrón De Sueños. Mexico, D.F.: Ediciones Castillo, 2010.

Spanish translation of "The Dream Stealer".

Huerta, Yasbil Mendoza, and Mauricio Gómez Morín. Bidao Nholh' En Bdunh Dolla

Doyelhe = La Pequeña Niña Que Siempre Tenía Hambre. México, D.F.: Nostra Ediciones, 2009.  Lively and engaging illustrations; a story about chocolate.

Johnston, Tony, and Tomie DePaola. The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote. New York:

Putnam's, 1994.  Also available in Spanish. Great trickster tale.

Olmos, Gabriela, and Valeria Gallo. El Zopilote Y La Chirimía. México, D.F.: Artes De

México, 2005.  Stunning and beautiful folktale about rituals, traditions, and Day of the Dead.Olmos, Gabriela.  El zopilote y la chirimia

Rodriguez, Isaac David Perez.  “El Sueño De Atototzin”.  Museo de Arte Popular. 

Mexico.  Last modified October 30, 2013.  Accessed:  http://www.amigosmap.org.mx/2013/10/30/el-sueno-de-atototzin/.  Short story winner from the museum’s alebrije competition. 

Tonatiuh, Duncan. Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale. New York: Abrams

Books for Young Readers, 2013.  Beautifully illustrated; extraordinary tale about immigration.


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