The Number Line in the Common Core


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Instructional Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. References
  7. Implementing District Standards
  8. Endnotes

Beyond the Number Line: Coordinate Systems and Vector Arithmetic

Klint Kanopka

Published September 2016

Tools for this Unit:

Implementing District Standards

This unit is designed to implement ideas from both the Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Common Core

The Common Core Standards for Mathematics have two distinct parts: content standards and standards for mathematical practice. Under high school standards for Vector and Matrix Quantities (N-VM), students are expected to Represent and Model with Vector Quantities and Perform Operations on Vectors. Both of these are explicitly the focus of this unit. Under the standards for mathematical practice, students are expected to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, use appropriate tools strategically and attend to precision. The notions of precision, modeling and measurement are baked directly into the content and classroom activities. Constructing arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others is an instructional strategy used to facilitate deeper thinking and discussion about the content.

Next Generation Science Standards

Despite being a foundational tool for the study of physics, specific NGSS standards do not exist for vectors. This unit is, however, aligned to the eight practices of science and engineering outlined in their framework. These main practices students will be engaged in are: developing and using models, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations and engaging in argument from evidence. The focus of the approach and activities in this unit is in taking physical and pictorial representations of vectors and using the models as a vehicle to relate the deep mathematical underpinnings and facilitate problem solving in students. Since understanding vectors involves working through misconceptions, students will always be focused on argument and discussion, as well as on communicating their ideas and understanding.


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