Activity 2: Confectionery Chemistry, Round 2 – Concentrate on the Juice
Welcome to round 2 of Confectionery Chemistry! In this round, contestants will use fruits and separation techniques to create their own 16-ounce non-alcoholic juice beverage from scratch. Contestants may use a drink recipe found online or make up their own. The only additional additives that will be provided are water, sugar, and salt. Contestants must use 1-2 fruits. Basic fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapes, etc. will be provided with advance notice. Exotic fruits, such as pomegranates and dragonfruit must be provided by the contestant. Other ingredients may be used at the expense of the contestants. Contestants will be provided 15 minutes class time to research a recipe and provide their list to the teacher. Contestants will be taught how chemical separation techniques are used for juice extraction. On the following day, contestants will put their knowledge to the test in creating their beverage.
- Extraction by Pressing
- Extraction via Water Solvent
- Clarification via Filtration