From Arithmetic to Algebra: Variables, Word Problems, Fractions and the Rules


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale/Background
  3. Struggling Readers in The Math Classroom
  4. Review of Reading Strategies for Solving Math Word Problems
  5. Structure of Word Problems
  6. Constructing Word Problems
  7. Teaching Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Appendix
  10. Annotated Bibliography
  11. Endnotes

Helping Struggling Readers Build Math Understanding through Word Problems

Gilbert Carter

Published September 2017

Tools for this Unit:

Constructing Word Problems

Word Problem Examples

The success of this unit depends on relevant and meaningful word problems. I have created 14 one-step word problems for addition/subtraction and 9 one-step multiplication/division word problems at the remedial (Tier 3).  I also created some two-step word problems with increased reading complexities that can be used as guide for higher level students.  All word problems can be found in the Appendix.


Carol Ann Tomlinson, whom many consider the guru of differentiation, states that differentiation is tailoring instruction to meet individual needs.  Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible groups makes this a successful approach to instruction13.

In short, differentiation is a response to learner’s needs.” This unit is a direct response to students who struggle in reading within the mathematics setting. The reading and math deficits are profound within the special education and general education setting.  This unit will use one-step addition/subtraction problems that meet learners on a lower reading.  Because our district (Richmond Public Schools) encourages the use of ‘Tier levels,’ I will use one-step addition/subtraction word problems on a Tier 3 reading level.

Tier levels

For me, Tier levels or ‘tiered’ instruction is still a response or adjustment in my instruction and activities that continually meet the needs of my students. In this unit all of my students to start on the Tier 3 level for solving one-step addition/subtraction word problems.  These word problems will be very direct and straightforward. The word problems will have very few vocabularies, decoding, or comprehension issues that students would find too challenging or discouraging from answering. The goal is for students to understand and explain how they would solve the problem.


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