Classroom Activities
The problems in this unit will be used three different ways: Short activity before classroom instruction begins called the “Snapshot” (or Warm-up); The “Exit Ticket” (or Wrap-up) at the end of class; and as remediation during remediation block or one-to-one tutoring.
Snapshot (Warm-Up)
The Snapshot (or Warm-Up) is usually completed within the first 10-15 minutes into class. In previous school years I have used the Snapshot as a way to review previously taught objectives covered throughout different marking periods. I would also include one or two new problems/concepts that have yet to be covered to determine students’ ability and familiarity.
Because I have to constantly review previously taught information, the problems in this unit will be given once or twice throughout the school week for the majority of the school year (my thinking is to stay consistent in small measures). The hope is that because these problems start on a basic (below) grade level, students will think the unit problems are ‘easier’ than the ‘normal’ 8th grade snapshot problems. It is also my intention that once the reading deficits in the one-step addition/subtraction improve we will move to one-step multiplication/division word problems. As I constantly assess and reassess students throughout the year where they are, I will (hopefully) build on the one-step word problems to and use two-step word problems to strengthen reading skills.
After a few weeks of getting to know the students and their capabilities, students will respond to their given Tier level one-step addition/subtraction word problems using white boards, composition books (which only has snapshot problems), or verbally. I will allow students to respond based their preference. However, there will be times when I encourage certain students, based on their abilities, to respond a certain way in order to push them and assess their growth with vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, etc.
Exit Ticket
The Exit Ticket (or Wrap-Up) will be performed within the last 10-15 minutes of class as a way to check for understanding. The format for the Exit Ticket will be performed the same as the Snapshot. Students will have three different ways to respond: verbally, white boards, or ‘exit slips’ (index card showing how they solved the problem).
Because I am able to dictate how I structure my remediation efforts, I will remediate in one or two ways: small groups (no more than 3 students) or individually (one-to-one). Based on students’ performance with reading and solving one-step word problems I will determine which group of students or student that needs extra help. In addition, I will also provide an opportunity for students that have decent reading abilities the opportunity to strengthen them outside of the regularly scheduled classroom time.