Student Reading List
Arbuckle, Alex Q. The Bombing of MOVE: When the Police Dropped a Bomb on a Quit Philly Neighborhood. Mashable Website, accessed July 29, 2018, A detailed retelling of the MOVE bombing, with a format that lends itself well to either print or online viewing.
Goffman, Alice. On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. Goffman’s senior-thesis-turned-ethnographic-novel tells an intimate tale of the experiences of young men of color in Philadelphia and their run-ins with the criminal justice system in its various forms. This book served as inspiration for the final project, and excerpts could be provided to students as a model of a finished product.
James Q. Wilson, “Thinking About Crime.” New York: Basic Books, 1975, 172. Wilson’s work reflects popular conservative thoughts on crime at the time and should help students to understand how many Americans felt regarding criminality during the 70s, 80s and 90s.