Teaching Strategies
Objective: To allow for classroom issues, such as bullying, patterns of disruptive behavior, lack of homework, name calling, not bringing supplies to school…etc to be addressed with the entire class.
Allow me to reiterate that it is important that the circle conveys respect. Everyone is held accountable and should be made to feel comfortable within the space. The Circle mostly consist of asking questions and listening to answers. I begin by thanking my students for their participation and may go around the circle really quickly for a check in and even during that time the talking piece is being circulated. Also, I usually have a journal to jot down particular notes just to make sure I can repeat the concern or celebration as a wrap up in the end. This reinforces to students that I am focus on their needs.
Sample Opening: It is so wonderful that everyone decided to participate in our peace circle this afternoon. As you know we are here to talk about what happened during recess today, so that we can figure out how to move forward in a positive way. Let me remind you of the norms: