Race, Class, and Punishment


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Demographics
  3. Enduring Understanding
  4. Objectives
  5. Rationale
  6. Content Background
  7. Trayvon Martin Suspended for 10 Days
  8. What are Restorative Practices?
  9. Peace Talking Circles
  10. Teaching Strategies
  11. Norms
  12. Prompts for Restorative Circle Dialogues
  13. Bibliography
  14. Student Reading List
  15. Appendix A: Implementing Standards/Common Core/State Standards
  16. Anchor Standards

This is America: Restorative Peace Circles and the decline of Suspensions and Expulsions

Sharon Monique Ponder

Published September 2018

Tools for this Unit:


Carter G. Woodson Elementary School is a pre-K through 8th grade Chicago Public School on the South side of Chicago. The student population consist of 400 students, of which 100% are considered low income and qualify for free and reduced lunch. The population is also 100% African American. Students that receive special education services account for a little over 25% of the student population. The majority of my fifth grade students come to school with social and emotional wounds that many parents don’t have the time or resources to manage. Every week at least one student has experienced violence, death, physical, verbal, emotional abuse or some tragic event in their lives.  This unit is designed for the entire school population of students.  


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