Poems about Works of Art, Featuring Women and Other Marginalized Writers


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction 
  2. Background
  3. Content Objectives
  4. Background Content
  5. Key Content
  6. Teaching Strategies
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Appendix A: Standards
  9. Teacher Resources
  10. Bibliography
  11. Endnotes

Ekphrastic Poetry in the Second Language Classroom

Holly S. Bryk

Published September 2018

Tools for this Unit:

Content Objectives

I am focused on three goals in the creation of this unit. First, I would like my students to gain a cultural appreciation and understanding of poetry written in the target language authored by a native speaker of the language. I plan to incorporate an ekphrastic poem written by Xanath Caraza in response to the mural created by Mexican artist Diego Rivera, “Sueno de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda” to allow the students to delve deeper into the cultural significance of each work.

Second, I would like the students to be risk-takers in their approach to learning. Delving into literature in the target language for first and second year students of the language will seem quite daunting and almost impossible initially. Hence a visual, the work of art, to accompany the poem can be a useful tool for teaching beginning language students, especially those who are visual learners. A visual work of art can clarify meaning and may be a tension diffuser. It is my hope that with the use of a visual, the students will explore the literature in depth, spurring them on to make deeper cultural connections.

Third, I would like students to develop their individual ways of self-expression and self-realization in the target language with poetry and the use of poetic devices. Writing one’s feelings and emotions in the target language can appear to be nearly impossible for first and second year students, especially early on in the process. Using ekphrastic poetry as a means of expression makes this task less daunting as the work of art is the point of focus and the visual provides opportunity for a plethora of target language vocabulary.


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