Manipulating Biology: Costs, Benefits and Controversies


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. The History of Vaccines
  3. The Germ Theory of Disease
  4. Benefits of Vaccines
  5. Costs
  6. Controversies
  7. Content Objectives
  8. Strategies
  9. Activities
  10. Appendix
  11. Bibliography
  12. Endnotes

Vaccines and the Outbreak of Nonsense

Thomas L. Teague

Published September 2018

Tools for this Unit:

Content Objectives

It is my expectation that this unit will take 3 weeks to cover in my class. When I teach this unit, it is my intention that students will be able to cite evidence by gathering, reading, comparing, summarizing and synthesizing information from multiple sources while thinking critically about the quality of those sources. Students should also be able to identify the influence humans have exerted on the spread of vaccine preventable diseases and the microorganisms that cause them. Finally, students should be able to identify the social impacts vaccination technology is exerting on society.


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