Appendix: Implementing District Standards
This curriculum unit addresses the following standards:
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices
Developing and Using Models
A practice of both science and engineering is to use and construct models as helpful tools for representing ideas and explanations. These include diagrams, drawings, physical replicas, mathematical representations, analogies, and computer simulations.
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Scientists and engineers must be able to communicate clearly and persuasively the ideas and methods they generate. Critiquing and communicating ideas individually and in groups is a critical professional activity.
Cross Cutting Concept
Structure and Function
The way an object is shaped or structured determines many of its properties and functions.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
High School Physical Science 1A: Structure and Properties of Matter
High School Physical Science 1B: Chemical Reactions
Advanced Placement Curriculum Framework
Big Ideas
Big Idea 2: Chemical and physical properties of materials can be explained by the structure and arrangement of atoms, ions, molecules, and the forces between them.
Enduring Understanding 2.B. Forces of attraction between particles are important in determining macroscopic properties of a substance, including the observation of physical state changes with temperature.
Essential knowledge 2.B.3.e: The structure and function of many biological systems depend on the strength and nature of the various Coulombic forces.
- Substrate interactions with the active sites in enzyme catalysis
- Hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions in proteins that determine 3-dimensional structure in water solutions.
Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions are determined by the details of the molecular collisions.
Enduring Understanding 4A. Reaction rates that depend on temperature, and other environmental factors, are determined by measuring changes in concentration of reactants and products over time.
Essential Knowledge 4.A.2 The rate law shows how rate depends on reactant concentrations.
Enduring Understanding 4.D. Reaction rates may be increased by the presence of catalysts.
Essential Knowledge 4.D.1. Catalysts function by lowering the activation energy of an elementary step in a reaction mechanism, and by providing a new and faster reaction mechanism.
Essential Knowledge 4.D.2. Important classes in catalysis include acid-base catalysis, surface catalysis, and enzyme catalysis.