The Problem of Mass Incarceration


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Classroom Context
  3. Pedagogical Philosophy
  4. Curriculum Context
  5. Content Background
  6. Unit Content
  7. Teaching Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Classroom Resources
  10. Bibliography
  11. Appendix
  12. Notes

Confronting Mass Incarceration in Tulsa

Sally Dee Cannizzaro

Published September 2019

Tools for this Unit:


Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and Pre-Algebra (PA) are transferable to national and other state standards.  Middle school/junior high standards are similar for grades 7-8, so the ELA standards for 8th grade are listed.

OAS English Language Arts

Speaking and Listening

8.1.W.1 Students will give formal and informal presentations in a group or individually, providing textual and visual evidence to support a main idea.

8.1.W.2 Students will work effectively and respectfully within diverse groups

8.1.R.3 Students will engage in collaborative discussions about appropriate topics and texts, expressing their own ideas clearly while building on the ideas of others in pairs, diverse groups, and whole class settings.

Reading Foundations/Reading and Writing Process

8.3.W.3 Argument: Students will introduce a claim, recognize at least one claim from an opposing viewpoint, and organize reasons and evidences, using credible sources.


8.4.W.1 Students will use domain-appropriate vocabulary to communicate ideas in writing clearly.

8.4.W.2 Students will select appropriate language to create a specific effect according to purpose in writing.


8.6.R.1 Students will use their own viable research questions and well-developed thesis statements to find information about a specific topic.

8.6.W.2 Students will refine and formulate a viable research question and report findings clearly and concisely, using a well-developed thesis statement.

8.6.W.3 Students will quote, paraphrase, and summarize findings following an appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA, etc.) and avoiding plagiarism.

8.6.W.4 Students will summarize and present information in a report

Multimodal Literacies

8.7.W.2 Students will utilize multimedia to clarify information and emphasize salient points.

OAS Pre-Algebra

Data and Probability

PA.D.1 Display and interpret data in a variety of ways.

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) 2010 Programming Standards are Student Outcomes for grades PK-12. 

NAGC Student Outcomes

1.4. Awareness of Needs. Students with gifts and talents access resources from the community to support cognitive and affective needs, including social interactions with others having similar interests and abilities or experiences, including same-age peers and mentors or experts.

Students will identify and use human resources from around the community.

1.6. Cognitive and Affective Growth. Students with gifts and talents benefit from meaningful and challenging learning activities addressing their unique characteristics and needs.

Students will create or refine a solution for local mass incarceration problems.

3.1. Curriculum Planning. Students with gifts and talents demonstrate growth commensurate with aptitude during the school year.

3.2. Talent Development. Students with gifts and talents become more competent in multiple talent areas and across dimensions of learning. 

3.6. Resources. Students with gifts and talents benefit from gifted education programming that provides a variety of high quality resources and materials.

Students will incorporate a variety of learning experiences into one project.

4.3. Leadership. Students with gifts and talents demonstrate personal and social responsibility and leadership skills.

Students are provided opportunities for leadership in community settings to effect positive change.

4.4. Cultural Competence. Students with gifts and talents value their own and others’ language, heritage, and circumstance. They possess skills in communicating, teaming, and collaborating with diverse individuals and across diverse groups. They use positive strategies to address social issues, including discrimination and stereotyping.

Students are provided structured opportunities to collaborate with diverse peers on a common goal.

5.1. Variety of Programming. Students with gifts and talents participate in a variety of evidence-based programming options that enhance performance in cognitive and affective areas.

Students have extended and deepened learning opportunities within and outside of the school setting.

6.3. Lifelong Learners. Students develop their gifts and talents as a result of educators who are life-long learners, participating in ongoing professional development and continuing education opportunities.

All teachers undergo ongoing professional development, including a fellowship through the Yale National Initiative.


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