Unit Content
This unit will focus on student-generated solutions to the problem of mass incarceration in Oklahoma. Students will complete a data analysis protocol using Tulsa and Oklahoma-specific incarceration data to determine what they view as problematic. More specifically, students will view summaries of the data and research listed earlier; in particular, Prison Policy’s report (Wagner and Sawyer, 2018) 2010 U.S. Census information, Vera Center on Sentencing and Corrections report for Tulsa County (Fishman et al, 2018), and female incarceration rates (Sharp). Students will then evaluate current local initiatives aimed at reducing incarceration and develop their own potential solutions for it. Ultimately, students will present their proposals to audiences who are in a position to help launch them; particularly, Tulsa’s Mayor G.T. Bynum and at the John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Symposium next May, along with any other interested elected officials or philanthropic organizations.
Students learn best from authentic learning experiences, and of the many “real-life” issues that touches each of my students, mass incarceration is one of the most newsworthy. The United States has had the highest rate of incarceration in the world for a while now, and Oklahoma has had the highest rate of incarceration of female prisoners for several years. A few years ago, Oklahoma passed Louisiana to have the highest overall incarceration rate as well, so our numbers in Oklahoma are higher than other entire countries.
All of my students are touched by the monster of mass incarceration in some way. Whether they have been adjudicated themselves, or they have a family member or friend’s family member who is or was incarcerated, each has been affected. It isn’t something that is openly discussed between teachers and students though; it is more of a known factor that results in many students having unstable home support and many more utilizing social services and counseling services, which are both fortunately available at each of my school sites.
Schools and teachers want students to be active members of the community, and for students to feel empowered and knowledgeable enough to spur positive change. There are few opportunities that exist beyond after-school programs for students to do this, though, and I want all my students to learn to help their community even if they can’t attend after-school programs. To accomplish this, the unit will include critical reading, writing, community outreach, and collaborative problem-solving.