Classroom Activities
Word Wall
In order to encourage the usage of appropriate terminology and increase understanding of the topic of mass incarceration, vocabulary words will be posted on a wall in the classroom as they are learned. In particular, “Incarceration,” “Jail,” “Prison,” Misdemeanor,” “Felony,” “Recidivism,” “Mandatory Sentencing” and their definitions will be incorporated as they are learned, as will any other words the students deem appropriate.
Before viewing any data on mass incarceration, I want students to articulate what they already know about mass incarceration and what they expect or want to learn. That way, students can authentically document their learning experiences after completing the data analysis protocol and see how much they have learned.
Reading and Analyzing Data
Students will begin by reading and understanding data; more specifically, historical and current incarceration rates for various countries, the United States as a whole and as individual states, and Tulsa county and city. Sources for this data can include those from the Human Rights Watch, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, the Prison Policy Initiative, PEW Charitable Trusts, Susan Sharp, The Sentencing Project, Still She Rises, the Sobering Center, and/or the DoJ Bureau of Justice Statistics. As class sizes allow, each student will have their own data set, but this could easily be adjusted for several students to have the same data set.
Create Visual Representations of Statistics/Data
In order to have a stronger connection to the data they are analyzing, students will either create their own graphs or charts through the NCES’s website using the data set they were provided in class, or will use the data to create graphs or charts in a spreadsheet program (such as Excel or Google Sheets) and will print them.
Analyzing Data
Once students have created their visual representation of their statistics/data, they will switch with another student in class so that they are looking at a data set they’ve not previously experienced. They will then use a data inquiry protocol to analyze the data so that students are clear on what the data is telling them, and allow them to develop questions around it. The purpose in presenting students with data in this way is to stimulate conversation on what the data does and does not say. This will allow students to “discover” inequities and problematic issues on their own, as opposed to having their teacher tell them what is wrong with incarceration, so that the students create conditions to develop their own questions that they will endeavor to answer.
Questions to Interpret Data
- What do you observe about Oklahoma's current incarceration rates in comparison to the population as a whole?
- Is there a group(s) of people who seem to be disproportionately affected by mass incarceration?
- What do you see that you need additional information to understand?
Chalk Talk
After students have completed their inquiry-based data analysis protocol, they need time and space to grapple with why what they are looking at exists as it does. To provide that opportunity in a safe way, several questions will be posted around the room (on white boards and/or on several butcher paper stations) that invite students to quietly ponder and challenge their thinking. Since this is a quiet activity, students should be able to consider these questions in a non-judgmental environment so that they are prepared to begin additional research.
Guiding Questions
- Why do you believe different states have different incarceration rates?
- Why do you think Oklahoma incarcerates more women than other places?
- What needs to be done to stem incarceration rates?
- What systems can we create or enhance to stem mass incarceration? Who can help us bring our idea(s) to fruition?
Contextual Research
Once students have begun to develop their own questions about incarceration, they will read more specific information by incarceration researchers and excerpts from longer works. The specific sources will vary, depending on the student’s particular questions and interests. The purpose of this unit dictates that students use factual information, so they will be intentionally steered toward nonfiction texts, and away from the multitude of historical and realistic fiction texts that exist on this subject. A mini-lesson on differentiating between nonfiction and fiction and evaluating sources may be necessary, depending on the needs of the class. Ultimately, these readings will help students refine their thinking by either supporting or challenging the opinions students had formed during the Chalk Talk.
Action Research
Part of what will set this unit apart from other research units my students complete during the course of school will be the connections they make with local entities. Ideally, students are able to directly connect with individuals and groups who have worked to stem mass incarceration, and eventually, leverage community partnerships to put their eventual plans in place. While some particular entities and community groups will be suggested, students are ultimately responsible for discovering, researching, and connecting with whichever groups and foundations would provide the best context and information for the aspect of mass incarceration they’re drawn to.
Once students have seen and analyzed a variety of mass incarceration statistics, have processed what implications the statistics have, and have completed some background research to understand the context and local implications of them, it is time for students to consider what they would like to do with the information. To do that, they will brainstorm what can be done to stem mass incarceration, either in general, or a specific aspect of it. This can however and in whatever way works best for the student. Ultimately, the goal is for the student to have several tenable ideas that can positively impact the community.
Collaborative Problem-Solving
While the data analysis, reading, and research elements listed above would constitute a solid unit for my students, in order to have truly authentic engagement and buy-in from my students, they need to be personally invested in solving mass incarceration. This requires that students generate their own projects from their brainstorming and execute them to the best of their ability. Students will be invited to share the results of their brainstorming with their peers, and to group themselves according to who has similar project ideas. For example, students could choose to group themselves based on the desire to increase the capacity of the Sobering Center, or perhaps based on the desire to increase Restorative Justice practices in Tulsa.
Whatever aspect students find themselves passionate about, they need to have pre-determined group roles so that their work goes smoothly. At a minimum, groups need a person to act as a project manager, and a person who will serve as a point of contact for any outside groups they connect with. Additional roles can include a person to type any and all notes and keep track of research, and a person who will decide how and what a presentation of their information should look like.
Publishing and Presenting
Once students have worked on their idea to reduce mass incarceration, they need to conclude their projects by presenting their proposals to a group who is in a position to help them, whether that be an elected official or a philanthropic organization. Depending on the project and audience, it may be appropriate to draft a communication to an elected official, it may be appropriate to work alongside a community organization, or it may be appropriate to present findings at a conference, such as the John Hope Franklin National Symposium in May. However students find it most appropriate to “publish” their findings, it is important that students know that their work has equal value to any adult group that would undertake the same challenge, and that they can affect change. It would be appropriate to have a gallery walk at the conclusion of this unit so that students can discuss their work with one another, and display it for others to see as well.