American Democracy and the Promise of Justice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction: Identity Genocide
  2. Historical Comparisons and Rationale
  3. Educational and Pedagogical Rationale
  4. Demographics
  5. Unit Objectives
  6. Preliminary Ancestry Study Content
  7. Student Court Room Content
  8. Teaching Strategies
  9. Culminating Writing Project
  10. Classroom Activities
  11. Adaptations and Extensions
  12. Conclusion
  13. Resources
  14. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  15. Notes

Grade Level Gavel Student Court: Justice for All

Taryn Elise Coullier

Published September 2019

Tools for this Unit:

Unit Objectives

This is a year-long implementation unit being created to deliver history instruction to students who are currently not receiving it, let alone in a meaningful way. It is necessary to provide students a vehicle with which to explore and learn about their history and ancestry; to learn to articulate thoughts and opinions in speech and on paper, and to inform, impact and persuade audience. These are vital skills that many students in our community of Richmond, Virginia are currently lacking.  They should primarily be able to explore, study and become a part of their own heritage and ancestry.  This is priority number one that many students are currently missing.  In addition to understanding their history and where they come from, students also need to be able to articulate thoughts and opinions in speech and in text to inform, impact and persuade an audience.  This requires us to teach them to be skilled public speakers, using proper tone, wording and volume, as well as teaching them to be more developed and advanced writers through practice, creative expression and structure.  For students to be able to impact a relevant audience.  This is going to be vitally important as the current generations of elementary school students will need to be able to solve many of the issues of race relations and politics in the United States in the future. 


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