Culminating Writing Project
Students will end the Unit with a two-week reflection of the events discussed; this will also be used as a writing and editing period. Students will use their reflections that will be housed in notebooks, to develop and complete a collaborative writing piece. They will type and collectively publish their own student-friendly adaptation of a history book with perspective pieces from all the students regarding their ancestry, as well as their perspectives on the chronological story of America’s founding regarding justice using the parts of the writing process. These parts of the writing process include: Pre-writing, Drafting, Editing, Revising and Publishing. The writing piece will describe the relation of justice to American History as well as their perception of justice today, and how it should be achieved moving forward.
The final writing project will be entitled: “Justice for All: A Historical Perspective by Students, For Students”. The teacher will help model the outline of the book as it will be structured like a novel and will assist in the publishing. Students will work together to collaborate on a book cover and illustrations for the inside. Students will all sign the last page of the book and it will be scanned and added to the final publication.