Content Objectives
The initial objective of this unit is to present the science behind plastic production. Students will investigate the basic chemistry of plastics by understanding the types of bonds produced in synthesizing polymers. Understanding the types of bonds found in synthetic polymers will establish students’ background knowledge on why plastics disposal is such a challenge. The second objective of this unit addresses the life cycle of plastics from raw materials to disposal. From this experience, students will reveal the challenges of plastic waste, the current state of plastic pollution in natural environments like the Great Lakes, and the current known effects of plastic pollution on ecosystems. This unit will provide information on plastic pollution in the Great Lakes since this has a direct impact on our community in Chicago, but depending on your location a more relevant ecosystem could be selected for investigation for your students. The final objective of this unit is to provide an experience in the engineering design process as students develop their own biobased, biodegradable plastic or repurpose used petroleum-based plastic for some other everyday use.