Caretakers versus Exploiters: Impacting Biodiversity in the Age of Humans


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Learning Objectives
  3. Background
  4. Rationale
  5. Content Background
  6. Historical Background
  7. Algal Blooms
  8. Seafood Borne Illnesses
  9. Seafood Safety
  10. Statistics Concepts
  11. Teaching Activities and Strategies
  12. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  13. References
  14. Notes

Marine Biotoxins: Invisible, Odorless, and Lethal

Lawrence Elliott Yee

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing District Standards

This curriculum unit incorporates the following course skills as outlined in the Advanced Placement Statistics Course and Exam Description:

1.B Identify key and relevant information to answer a question or solve a problem.

1.C Describe an appropriate method for gathering and representing data.

4.A Make an appropriate claim or draw an appropriate conclusion.

4.B Interpret statistical calculations and findings to assign meaning or assess a claim.

4.D Justify a claim based on a confidence interval.

The course skills are practiced throughout the various activities and project while addressing the primary individual learning objectives from the Advanced Placement Statistics Course and Exam Description emphasize the course skills.

Students analyze the correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination in the Interpreting Correlation activity. The two objectives addressed are: DAT-1.C Interpret the correlation for a linear relationship [Skill 4.B] and DAT-2.B Identify appropriate generalizations and determinations based on observational studies [Skill 4.A]

The Interpreting Confidence Levels activity has students interpret the confidence interval while understanding the implications when observations exceed the upper bound. The learning objectives addressed are: DAT-2.B Identify appropriate generalizations and determinations based on observational studies [Skill 4.A], UNC-4.S Interpret a confidence interval for a population mean, including the mean difference between values in matched pairs. [Skill 4.B], and UNC-4.T Justify a claim based on a confidence interval for a population mean, including the mean difference between values in matched pairs. [Skill 4.D].

Understanding sampling and errors in the inference process incorporates several skills in the Errors in Sampling – Dungeness Crabs activity. The learning objectives addressed include DAT 2.C Identify a sampling method, given a description of a study. [Skill 1.C], DAT-2.E Identify potential sources of bias in sampling methods [Skill 1.C], VAR-3.A Identify the components of an experiment. [Skill 1.C], VAR-3.C Compare experimental designs and methods. [Skill 1.C], VAR-3.D Explain why an experimental design is appropriate. [Skill 1.C], UNC-5.A Identify Type I and Type II errors. [Skill 1.B], UNC-5.C Identify factors that affect the probability of errors in significance testing. [Skill 4.A] and UNC-5.D Interpret Type I and Type II errors. [Skill 4.B].


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