The Sun and Us


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Unit Content
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Bibliography

Beyond the Rainbow: Investigating the Characteristics of Stars

Joanna Minott

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:


Ariel, Balter. “How Did Bohr’s Model Explain the Balmer Lines of Hydrogen’s Emission Spectrum?” Education - Seattle PI, November 21, 2017. Online Newspaper. An easy-to-read article that explains the link between the Bohr Model, the Balmer Series of the Hydrogen’s emission spectrum, and how this laid the foundation for quantum mechanics.

Buick, Tony. The Rainbow Sky: An Exploration of Colors in the Solar System and Beyond. New York; London: Springer, 2010. Springer, 2010. Book. This book explores the colorfulness of the universe. In analyzing these colors scientists unlock information about other celestial bodies. 

ByJus Learning Program “Spectral Series- Explained along with Hydrogen Spectrum, Rydberg Formula.” BYJUS, August 28, 2020.  This online tutoring resource provides literature on the topic and shows worked problems. This is helpful in thinking about materials to assign as well as providing resources that students can access outside of class to improve their understanding.

ByJus Learning Program. “Hydrogen Spectrum - Balmer Series, Definition, Diagram, Spectrum.” BYJUS, March 25, 2021. This online tutoring resource also provides great explanations and free tutorials to break down the material and improve student understanding.

Chemistry LibreTexts. “6.3: Line Spectra and the Bohr Model.” Chemistry LibreTexts, September 18, 2019. Online Textbook. This comprehensive online textbook covers a broad scope and sequence of chemistry topics for an introductory, undergraduate-level course. Its search bar allows you to go directly to the section you need more information. It provides content background, graphic organizers, illustrations, diagrams, and worked problem sets.

Chemistry LibreTexts. “The Particle Nature of Light.” Chemistry LibreTexts, 2020. Online Textbook. This Undergraduate, introductory-level textbook covers a broad scope and sequence of chemistry topics. It includes helpful annotated diagrams, sample problems, key vocabulary words, summary and recommends activities for further exploration. This textbook is also available online.

Cheung, Mark. “The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly: Science Highlights, Analysis Techniques and Instrument Status.”, February 23, 2021. Video. Mark Cheung is part of the Solar Dynamic Observatory team. In this video, he provides an update on the highlights and instrument status of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly.

Colorín Colorado. “What Is ‘Scaffolding’ and How Does It Help ELLs?” Colorín Colorado, May 2015. Online Article. This online article explains what is meant by the term scaffolding and lists the benefits of using this teaching strategy to support English Language Learning students.

Dunbar, Brian. “NASA - Infrared Light.”, 2009. This online article explains what scaffolding is and lists its benefits to English Language Learners. Online Article. As students carry the Blackbody curve simulation, they will see that peaks occur in the visible, infrared, or ultraviolet, this article explains what infrared is and explains how people “glow” in infrared.

Enterprise in Space. “Project: Spectroscopy.”  July 2016.” Website. An online resource that explains the history and timeline for spectroscopy. Website. An online article resource that explains the history and timeline for spectroscopy.

Explore Learning. “Star Spectra Gizmo: Lesson Info: Explore Learning.” Explore Learning: Get hands-on, minds-on in math and science. Accessed June 3, 2021. Online Simulation.  Explore Learning Gizmos is an award-winning math and science simulation program. The Star Spectra Gizmo activity is an inquiry-based online simulation that allows students to determine the elements present in a star’s spectrum, approximate the temperature, classify stars and decipher the movement of stars using blueshifts and redshifts. 

Field Tested Systems. “Periodic Table of Spectra – Field Tested Systems.” Field Tested Systems, 2010. Poster. This poster is a wonderful teaching tool because unlike the traditional Periodic Table of elements that students are familiar with, this poster has the same layout but the elements in the table are shown with their unique spectrum.

Fraknoi, Andrew, David Morrison, Sidney C Wolff, and Openstax College. “Astronomy.” Houston, Texas: Openstax, 2016. Textbook. This comprehensive online textbook covers a broad scope and sequence of astronomy topics suitable for an introductory, undergraduate-level course.  It includes helpful annotated diagrams, sample problems, key vocabulary words, chapter summaries, and activities for further exploration. This textbook is also available online.  

HR Diagram Worksheet.” PDF Document. This worksheet has a great image of the HR Diagram. In this activity, students will determine how stars are classified by temperature, size, luminosity, and shows the evolutionary path of the Sun in the main sequence.

HyperPhysics. “Star Temperatures.”, 2019. Website. HyperPhysics was extremely helpful in explaining blackbody curve diagrams and also had practice problems for Wien’s Displacement Law.

Las Cumbres Observatory. “Black-Body Radiation | Las Cumbres Observatory.”, 2019. Online Resource. The Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network believes that science and technology should be accessible to and equitable for all and has made available its data and welcomes visitors to its operation sites. This website was a great resource for understanding why stars are considered black bodies and how that information is used by astrophysicists. In addition to literature, it provides animations and diagrams.

Ling, Samuel J, Jeff Sanny, and William Moebs. “Blackbody Radiation.” OpenStax, September 2016. Online Textbook. In chapter 44 of this online textbook, it provides background information, worked sample problems, learning objectives, a chapter summary and many illustrations to help to explain the Photoelectric Effect.

Ling, Samuel J, Jeff Sanny, and William Moebs. “Photoelectric Effect.” OpenStax, September 2016. Online Textbook. In chapter 44 of this online textbook, it provided background information, worked sample problems, learning objectives, a chapter summary, and many illustrations to help to explain the Photoelectric Effect.

Merriam-Webster. “Helium: This Word Brought to You by a Solar Eclipse.” Accessed August 5, 2021. Online Encyclopedia. This article highlights the importance of the solar eclipse of 1868 by French astronomer Pierre Janssen in discovering the element, Helium.

Meyers, Catherine. “Exploring the Math in ‘Hidden Figures.” Inside Science, February 24, 2017. Online Movie Review. In this movie review, Meyers breaks down the contributions of three African American women in making the Apollo 11 mission a success in the movie, “Hidden Figures.”.

NASA. “SDO Spacecraft & Instruments.” NASA, 2011.  Website. In this article, NASA describes the purpose and instruments onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory. 

NASA Goddard. “NASA | SDO’s Instruments: EVE.”, September 22, 2009. Video. This video explains the function and importance of the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment of the Solar Dynamics Observatory.

National Center for Education Statistics. “The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National Center for Education Statistics).” National Center for Education Statistics, 2009. Website. This online website provided fast facts. It is managed by the National Center for Education Statistics (NECS). NECS is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations.

Optical Microscopy Division of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. “Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - Timeline - Max Planck.”, December 24, 1999. Website. A great article that information of Max Planck’s quantum theory. 

Palmer, Christopher. “Kirchoff’s Laws and Spectroscopy | Astronomy 801: Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe.”, 2018. Image. This website created by the Professors at Penn State University provided explanations of Kirchhoff’s Three Laws and was the creator of Image is 2 in this curriculum unit.

Pesnell, Dean. “NASA | SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI).”, July 9, 2009. Video. This video explains the function and importance of the SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager.

PhET Interactive Simulations. “Blackbody Spectrum.” PhET, July 6, 2019. Online Simulation. Students will complete this activity and learn how astronomers use blackbody curves to determine the temperature, color, and luminosity of stars.

Rice, Richard E. “Johann Jakob Balmer - Chemistry Encyclopedia - Name, Equation, Atom.” Accessed July 17, 2021.  Website. This article provides a brief description of Johann Balmer’s work and background.

Rodgers, Griffen. “Starlight’s Story: What Can the Light We See in the Night Sky Tell Us about the Universe?” Berkeley Scientific Journal 17, no. 1 (2013). Journal. This is a great resource. One of the first articles read and gives an overview of many components of this curriculum unit.

Shift, Alt. “The Doppler Effect: What Does Motion Do to Waves?” YouTube Video. June 6, 2013. Video. This video does a great job at explaining the Doppler Effect and how it is used to determine if an object is moving towards (blueshift) or away from the observer (redshift).

Starr, Michelle. “Staggering New Images of the Sun Are the Most Detailed Ever Taken.” ScienceAlert, 2020. Website. This article discusses the remarkable achievement of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope that took the most detailed pictures of the Sun’s surface ever.

Swinburne University of Technology. “Blackbody Radiation | COSMOS.” Accessed July 20, 2021. Website. This article explains how the three laws by Planck, Wein, and Stephan-Boltzman were used to describe the characteristics of black body diagrams.

Taylor Redd, Nola. “World’s Largest Solar Telescope Produces Never-Before-Seen Image of Our Star.”, January 29, 2020. Website. This article highlights the incredible achievement of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope that took the most detailed pictures of the Sun’s surface ever.

Teachings In Education. “ELL & ESL Teaching Strategies.” YouTube Video. YouTube, September 2, 2019. Video. This video gives numerous teaching strategies that are easy to implement. It provides great visuals and the rationale for each strategy used to support English Language Learners.

The Editors of Encyclopedia Britanica. “Joseph von Fraunhofer | German Physicist | Britannica.” In Encyclopedia Britannica, July 20, 1998. Online Encyclopedia. This online article summarized the significant contributions of Joseph Fraunhofer. It is written in an easy-to-read language about dark lines found in the absorption spectrum of the Sun that enabled spectroscopy to become a powerful and precise scientific technique.

The Nobel Prize. “Wilhelm Wein-the Lecture.”, Website. This curriculum unit features many scientists whose pioneering work won them the distinguished Nobel Prize. Their work included the Bohr Model, Photoelectric Effect, Analysis of Hydrogen Spectral Lines, and other theories and discoveries related to Quantum Mechanics and its applications. Many scientists such as Einstein are known for many discoveries but not all of their work won them a Nobel Prize, so this website is great for keeping track of the winners and their work.

ThoughtCo. “How Does Ancient Mayan Astronomy Portray the Sun, Moon and Planets?” ThoughtCo, 2012. Online Article. This article broadened my knowledge of Mayan’s knowledge of the cosmos.

TSG Physics. “C 57: Doppler Effect Using a Sound Tube.”, July 27, 2015. Video. This video shows how the Doppler effect is demonstrated in the classroom.

U.S. Department of Education. “The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National Center for Education Statistics).” National Center for Education Statistics, 2009. Website. This article provides the criteria required for schools to qualify for Title I status and federal funding.

Virginia Department of Education. “Huguenot High.” Virginia School Quality Profiles.” September 30, 2020. A quick graphical snapshot of my school’s demographics, accreditation status, teacher quality, enrollment, and other school quality indicators. This helped provide reasons for Huguenot High’s status as a Title I school.

Virginia Department of Education. “Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework 2010 Earth Science.”, 2010. PDF Document.  This is a document that gives a quick graphical snapshot of my school’s demographics, accreditation status, teacher quality, enrollment, and other school quality indicators. Using these indicators, Huguenot High qualified as a Title I school.

Voss, David. “August 18 and October 20, 1868: Discovery of Helium.”, August 2014. Newsletter. A great article on the work of various scientists that lead to the discovery of helium, which is the second most abundant element in the universe.


1 Virginia Department of Education, “Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework 2010 Earth Science” (2010),

2 U.S. Department of Education, “The NCES Fast Facts Tool Provides Quick Answers to Many Education Questions (National Center for Education Statistics),” (National Center for Education Statistics, 2009),

3  Virginia Department of Education, “Huguenot High,” Virginia School Quality Profiles, September 30, 2020,

4 ThoughtCo, “How Does Ancient Mayan Astronomy Portray the Sun, Moon and Planets?” ThoughtCo, 2012,

5 Catherine Meyers, “Exploring the Math in ‘Hidden Figures,’” Inside Science, February 24, 2017,

6 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy (Houston, Texas: OpenStax, 2016)., pg 161-163

7 Enterprise in Space, “Project: Spectroscopy,”, July 2016,

8 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, pg 161-163

9 Enterprise in Space, “Project: Spectroscopy,” July 2016,

10 The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, “Joseph von Fraunhofer | German Physicist | Britannica,” in Encyclopædia Britannica, July 20, 1998,

11 Norriss S. Hetherington and W. Patrick McCray, “A Cosmic Journey: A History of Scientific Cosmology,”, accessed July 28, 2021,

12 Merriam-Webster, “Helium: This Word Brought to You by a Solar Eclipse,”, accessed August 5, 2021,

13 David Voss, “August 18 and October 20, 1868: Discovery of Helium,”, August 2014,

14 Christopher Palmer, “Kirchoff’s Laws and Spectroscopy | Astronomy 801: Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe,”, 2018,

15 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, pg 151

16 Optical Microscopy Division of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, “Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - Timeline - Max Planck,”, December 24, 1999,

17 Samuel J. Ling, Jeff Sanny, and William Moebs, “Photoelectric Effect,” (OpenStax, September 2016),

18 Ariel Balter, “How Did Bohr’s Model Explain the Balmer Lines of Hydrogen’s Emission Spectrum?” Education - Seattle PI, November 21, 2017,

19 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, pg 158.

20 Chemistry LibreTexts, “6.3: Line Spectra and the Bohr Model,” Chemistry LibreTexts, September 18, 2019,

21 Richard E Rice, “Johann Jakob Balmer - Chemistry Encyclopedia - Name, Equation, Atom,”, accessed July 17, 2021,

22 Balter Ariel, “How Did Bohr’s Model Explain the Balmer Lines of Hydrogen’s Emission Spectrum?”.

23 Balter Ariel, “How Did Bohr’s Model Explain the Balmer Lines of Hydrogen’s Emission Spectrum?” 2017.

24 BYJUS, March 25, 2021,

25 BYJUS, August 28, 2020,, BYJUS Learning Program, “Hydrogen Spectrum - Balmer Series, Definition, Diagram, Spectrum,”.

26 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, page 173.

27 BYJUS, “Spectral Series- Explained along with Hydrogen Spectrum, Rydberg Formula.,” BYJUS, August 28, 2020,

28 Explore Learning, “Star Spectra Gizmo: Lesson Info: ExploreLearning,” ExploreLearning: Get hands-on, minds-on in math and science, accessed June 3, 2021,

29 Las Cumbres Observatory, “Black-Body Radiation | Las Cumbres Observatory,”, 2019,

30 Las Cumbres Observatory, “Black-Body Radiation | Las Cumbres Observatory,”

31 Swinburne University of Technology, “Blackbody Radiation | COSMOS,”, accessed July 20, 2021,

32 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, page 158

33 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, pages 157-158

34 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, page158

35 The Nobel Prize, “Wilhelm Wein-the Lecture,”, n.d.,

36 HyperPhysics, “Star Temperatures,”, 2019,

37 Brian Dunbar, “NASA - Infrared Light,”, 2009,

38 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, page160

39 PhET Interactive Simulations, “Blackbody Spectrum,” PhET, July 6, 2019,

40 Andrew Fraknoi et al., Astronomy, pages 176-180

41 Daniel V Schroeder, “Understanding Astronomy: The Sun and the Seasons,”, 2010,

42 NASA, “SDO Spacecraft & Instruments,” NASA, 2011,

43 NASA, “SDO Spacecraft & Instruments,” NASA, 2011

44 Mark Cheung, “The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly: Science Highlights, Analysis Techniques and Instrument Status,”, February 23, 2021,

45 NASA, “SDO Spacecraft & Instruments,” NASA, 2011

46 Dean Pesnell, “NASA | SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI),”, July 9, 2009,

47 NASA Goddard, “NASA | SDO’s Instruments: EVE,”, September 22, 2009,

48 Nola Taylor Redd, “World’s Largest Solar Telescope Produces Never-Before-Seen Image of Our Star,”, January 29, 2020,

49 Michelle Starr, “Staggering New Images of the Sun Are the Most Detailed Ever Taken,” ScienceAlert, 2020,

50 Teachings In Education, “ELL & ESL Teaching Strategies,” YouTube Video, YouTube, September 2, 2019,

51 Colorín Colorado, “What Is ‘Scaffolding’ and How Does It Help ELLs?,” Colorín Colorado, May 2015,

52 PhET Interactive Simulations, “Blackbody Spectrum,” PhET, July 6, 2019

53 Field Tested Systems, “Periodic Table of Spectra – Field Tested Systems,” Field Tested Systems, 2010,

54 TSG Physics, “C 57: Doppler Effect Using a Sound Tube,”, July 27, 2015,

55 “HR Diagram Worksheet”

56 Alt Shift, “The Doppler Effect: What Does Motion Do to Waves?” YouTube Video, YouTube, June 6, 2013,

57 Explore Learning, “Star Spectra Gizmo.”

58Virginia Department of Education, “Science Standards of Learning Curriculum Framework 2010 Earth Science.”


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