Human Centered Design of Biotechnology


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Rationale
  2. Content Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Classroom Activities
  5. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  6. Bibliography
  7. Notes

Human Population Over Time – Analyzing the Demographic Transition Model

Michael A. Doody

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:


American Museum of Natural History. 2016. “Human Population Through Time.” Amnh.Org. October 2016.

This is an excellent video to show students at the beginning of the unit to get them thinking about why population growth was so slow up until the Industrial Revolution.

Bongaarts, John. 2009. “Human Population Growth and the Demographic Transition.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 (1532): 2985–90.

This is a good article for teachers to read more about the details of the DTM.

Butler, Colin, and Stephen Dovers. 2015. “Population and Environment: A Global Challenge - Curious.” Australian Academy of Science.

This a good teacher resource for brushing up on the details of how population growth impacts the environment. It good also be a good enrichment resource for students who finish work early.

Data Commons. n.d. “Place Explorer.”

This is a student-friendly website with a plethora of graphs, tables, and summaries of many different demographic and economic metrics. Teachers using this resource should provide specific links to pages of interest so students don't get lost on the site.

Delaware Department of Education. 2021. “Penn (William) High School Snapshot.” Delaware Report Card. 2021.

Friedland, Andrew, and Rick Relyea. 2019. Environmental Science for the AP Course. 3rd ed. New York: Bedford, Freeman, and Worth.

This is my course textbook. It is the framework for all of my instruction and is well-aligned to the College Board's standards. Students are expected to read specific modules from the text in advance of class, as well as complete some of the quizzes and progress checks throughout traditional units.

Galor, Oded. 2012. “The Demographic Transition: Causes and Consequences.” Cliometrica 6 (1): 1–28.

This is another good resource for teachers wishing to learn more about the DTM.

Global Footprint Network. 2021. “Footprint Calculator.” 2021.

This is the most widely-used footprint calculator among AP-ES teachers because it is so user friendly. Students can spend a lot of time altering responses to their questions to see how their lifestyle impacts their footprint. It also provides a good breakdown for where the largest impacts are coming from, allowing students to explore ways to reduce their footprint.

Gonzalez, Anjelica. 2021. “Design Thinking Crashcourse.” Modified from

This figure was shared in national seminar. It is a good resource for both teachers and students.

Hawks, John, Keith Hunley, Sang Hee Lee, and Milford Wolpoff. 2000. “Population Bottlenecks and Pleistocene Human Evolution.” Molecular Biology and Evolution. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

Johnson, Steven. 2010. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation. New York: Riverhead Books.

This book has a lot of great information for teachers, though it is a technical read. While it doesn't contribute much direct information to understanding the DTM it has great ancedotes that can be shared with students.

Joshi, Manish, Harmeen Goraya, Anita Joshi, and Thaddeus Bartter. 2020. “Climate Change and Respiratory Diseases: A 2020 Perspective.” Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 26 (2): 119–27.

Kaplan, Jed O., Kristen M. Krumhardt, and Niklaus Zimmermann. 2009. “The Prehistoric and Preindustrial Deforestation of Europe.” Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (27–28): 3016–34.

Lopez, A. D., and C. D. Mathers. 2006. “Measuring the Global Burden of Disease and Epidemiological Transitions: 2002-2030.” Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 100 (5–6): 481–99.

National Resarch Council. 2009. Urban Stormwater Management in the United States. Urban Stormwater Management in the United States. Washintgon, D.C.: The National Academies Press.

———. 2012. A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, D.C.: National Acadmies Press.

This is a must read for any teacher who wants to learn about NGSS and the philosophy behind the sea change it brought about in science education.

Olopade, Dayo. 2014. “The End of the ‘Developing World.’” The New York Times, 2014.

Population Matters. 2021. “Climate Change.” 2021.

Richards-Kortum, Rebecca. 2012. “Emerging Medical Technologies: High Stakes Science and the Need for Technology Assessment.” Biomedical Engineering for Global Health, 1–20.

Roser, Max. 2019. “Human Development Index.” 2019.

This an excellent teacher and student resource. Teachers can grab graphs, tables, and brief analyses to share with their students on basically any topic. Students can interact with the website to look at multiple data sets on similar topics and compare countries or time periods. Students should be provided with specific links or a set of specific instructions avoid getting lost on the site.

Rosling, Hans, Ola Rosling, and Anna Rosling Ronnlund. 2018. Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong about the World - and Why Things Are Better than You Think. New York: Flatiron Books.

Like other materials put out by Rosling, this resource is a gem. The quiz in the intro is a great starting point for students. The general optimism is also great to share with students considering most of the content in AP-ES is rather negative.

Teh, Cheryl. 2021. “India Is Proposing a 2-Child Policy to Keep Population Down.” Insider. 2021.

This article is the intro to the unit itself because it begs a lot of really good questions that will lead students into a study of the DTM.

United Nations. n.d. “Global Human Development Indicators.” Human Development Reports.

US Census Bureau. 2021. “Country Dashboard.” International Data Base (IDB). 2021.

US EPA. n.d. “Heat Island Impacts | Heat Island Effect | US EPA.” Accessed October 9, 2020.

Weber, Hannes, and Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba. 2019. “The Effect of Population Growth on the Environment: Evidence from European Regions.” European Journal of Population 35 (2): 379–402.

“World Population Clock: 7.9 Billion People (2021) - Worldometer.” 2021. Worldometer. June 2021.

This is a novelty resource to show students once and then ingore (otherwise it can induce some stress as it constantly ticks up and up).


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