Human Centered Design of Biotechnology


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More Than Frybread: The Road to Healthy Eating and Physical Fitness

Irene Jones

Published September 2021

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Our Navajo Nation as a whole has some of the highest prevalence for chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease, liver sclerosis, and so on.  What’s more, many American Indian and Alaska Natives have the highest rate of overweight and obesity level according to the body mass index (BMI) calculation. Because of obesity, children are at a higher risk of developing chronic diseases as adults, especially those who are predisposed because of prolonged consumption of fatty, salty, processed, and unhealthy foods.  Family history of certain chronic disease also increases the risk factors. What’s more, sedentary lifestyle increases the risks of developing chronic disease.

Most of the health issues that are prevalent on the reservation are due to economic difficulty and limited access to health care and food sources.  Historically, the Navajo communities’ chief health issues were from infectious diseases.  However, survival rates increased through improved sanitations, access to western medicine through Indian Health Services, early detection of diseases, and improved education.  Currently, the primary health issues are chronic diseases. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases, and gallbladder diseases are related to lifestyle choices.  Poor access to nutritious foods, departure from traditional diets, and reduced physical activity are linked to a rise in type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancers among the Navajo.4

The goal of this unit is to increase the knowledge of students by identifying and analyzing the relationship between healthy behaviors and long-term personal health.  Two key points that I want students to learn is that healthy eating and engaging in physical activity prevent chronic diseases. One way for students to understand personal health is by identifying key nutrients contained in the foods they eat, especially traditional foods.  What’s more, students will understand that physical activities prevent many types of diseases.  Furthermore, students will use Design Thinking Innovation to improve nutritional health and physical health at home and at school.


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