Teacher Resources
For supplemental information that will be utilized at varying degrees throughout the unit please review the following. A deactivated link is provided along with a summary of the resource. In addition, several referenced materials are recommended for review that further supplement the content in this unit.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides free lectures in the form of YouTube videos. There are practice exercises along with a personalized dashboard if students register on the website. This resource is helpful for students that require supplemental learning or need to make up work due to absences. (https://www.khanacademy.org)
Physics classroom
Physics classroom is a free online resource for beginning students and teachers. There are several animations, problem sets, and tutorials that supplement classroom content. The website provides guidance to targeted misunderstandings and strengthens students’ critical thinking skills with multi-tiered word problems. Students who require additional support should be guided to this website. (http://www.physicsclassroom.com)
PHET simulations
PhET simulations offer free virtual labs from several topics in physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science. Each simulation comes with teacher instructions but can be modified depending on the scope of your investigations. There is browser (i.e., Chrome and Safari) and software compatibility constraints (i.e., HTML5, Java, and Flash) that should be checked prior to each virtual lab. If students are using district computers, ensure they have the necessary software your chose PhET simulation. Overall, this is a great resource to bridge the gap during hybrid instruction.