Guide Entry to 22.05.07
Climate change effects are being felt across the United States. In the Southwest, impacts include increasing temperatures and changing precipitation patterns that increase drought severity. The focus of this unit is the impact of climate change on agriculture in California and it is designed to bring awareness to students about how climate change will impact their food supply and costs in the future. In order to get a real-world experience, students will visit our on-campus kitchen garden where they will learn about how food scraps from the school cafeteria are composted and used for the crops in the garden. Later, they will conduct two hands on experiments to learn about the importance of having adequate water and temperature for growing crops. Students will conclude their learnings from this unit by collecting data, analyzing data, and drawing a conclusion about how water supply and irrigation techniques benefit the growth of a healthy plant. This unit is designed to meet the Next Generation Science Standards and the content relates to Ecosystems and Engineering.
(Developed for Science, grade 7; recommended for Science, grade 7)