Histories of Art, Race and Empire: 1492-1865


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. School Description and Rationale
  3. Rationale
  4. Content Objective
  5. Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Assessment
  8. Bibliography

The Effect of the Navajo Long Walk Through Photos

Jennifer Tsosie

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing District Standards

This curriculum will be using the Navajo Nation and Arizona State Standards.

Navajo Nation Standards from the Navajo Nation Government Section

The standard is from the 4th-6th grade section that states: I will understand historical/factual events, people and symbols that influence my family. The concept from the standard that will be used is from Concept 1: I will explore and explain how Diné people and historical events have influenced the development of my community. The performance objective of this concept that will be used are, PO 2: I will recognize leaders that have impacted the Diné Nation; PO 3: I will explain the Diné historical timeline; PO 4: I will retell Diné oral narratives.32 Students will be learning about the ‘Long Walk’ which is a historical event that impacted the Navajo Nation. Through the research of the event students will learn about the Navajo leaders too. They will be retelling the events in their own words to their peers, family members and the teacher.

From the same standard’s section of the Navajo Nation Government, the curriculum will also be using Concept 4: I will understand the integrity of my culture, language and values that are protected and maintained by the Diné. From this concept, the Performance objective that will be used are; PO 4: I will retell major Diné historical events.33 Students will be learning about the major event that shaped the Navajo Nation’s future after the signing of the ‘Treaty of 1868.’

Arizona State Standards: World and Native Languages

Presentational Speaking

Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners or viewers. The student can: Make simple presentations on a wide variety of familiar topics sing connected sentences.34  Students will present their art work to their peers.

Cultural Competencies

Use the target language to investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between the practices, products and perspectives of cultures studied. The student can: Investigate and describe similarities and differences in practices, products and perspectives used across cultures (e.g., holidays, family life, historical and contemporary figures) to understand one’s own and others’ ways of thinking.35 Students will be investigating and reflecting on photographs that were taken of the Navajo People during that time period and modern photos/illustration and interpret them and reflect.

Arizona State Standards: Visual Arts Academic Standards

Grade 6: Responding and Connecting

Perceive and analyze artistic work: a. Use art-specific vocabulary to compare how artwork made in different cultures reflect the times and places in which they were made. b. Identify and analyze cultural associations suggested by visual imagery (e.g. skulls and skeletons used in Day of the Dead festivals, dancing dragons used in Chinese New Year celebrations, broken chain as a symbol of freedom). Students will be analyzing the photographs that were taken during the captivation of the Navajo People and ponder the meaning of them. Students will use simple art terms to describe the photographs.36

Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding: a. Identify how art is used to inform or change beliefs, values, or behaviors of an individual or society (e.g. religious art can illustrate a group’s beliefs, community murals can reflect concerns of the neighborhood, an advertising image can be persuasive). Students will look at modern art that reflects the history of the people and understand the art work that is being presented.

Arizona State Standards: 6th Grade Social Studies


The standard in the History section is, the development of civilization, societies, cultures, and innovations have influenced history and continue to impact the modern world. Performance objective states, explain the cause and effect of interactions between cultures and civilizations. 37Students will be researching the cause and the effect of the ‘Treaty of 1868.’

Another standard from history that correlates with the curriculum is the standard, Patterns of social and political interactions have shaped people, places, and events throughout history and continue to shape the modern world. The performance objective is, Describe how different group identifies such as racial, ethnic, class, gender, regional, and immigrant/migration status emerged and contributed to social and regional development, characteristics, and interactions over time.38 Students will make connections of the how colonialization and the migration to the west impacted the Navajo People and how it has shaped the Navajo Nation.


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