Writing About Nature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Demographics
  2. Rationale
  3. Why Must Students Appreciate Nature and its Forest
  4. The Impact of International Travel: Teachers and Students Testify
  5. Philanthropic Dollars Make Dreams Realities
  6. Justice Scholars: University Collaboration
  7. Activities
  8. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  9. Notes

Creating First-Class Experiences for Forgotten Schools: Why Not Us?

Sean Means

Published September 2023

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I teach at Pittsburgh Westinghouse. Our school has grades 6-12. The location of the campus is on the East End of Pittsburgh. It serves the communities of Homewood, Garfield, Lincoln-Larimer, Wilkinsburg, and East Hills. The label of our school is Title I school, and 100% percent of the school is economically disadvantaged (1).

Presently, our school is in school improvement. According to the district's website, the school's attendance rate currently stands with 68% of students labeled as chronically absent, and 32% have regular attendance. Of that, 18.4% of students are Promise Eligible, meaning they have a 2.5 or higher GPA and at least 90% attendance. The district average for Promise Ready students is 55.3% (2). The current enrollment at the school is 661 students. Regarding the Keystone Exam, our school's ranking in English and Algebra is one, meaning "significant evidence that the district or school did not meet the standard for PA Academic Growth (3).

Regarding the 2021-2022 PSSA testing for middle school students, Westinghouse scored a three in ELA, meaning there was "evidence that the district or school met the standard for PA Academic.” The school's middle school math PSSA score was a four, indicating the students showed "moderate evidence that the district or school exceeded the standard for PA Academic Growth." Pittsburgh Public Schools has a suspension rate of 13.4% for the year 2022-2023, as determined by the number of students suspended divided by the total number of students at any point in the school year. Westinghouse's suspension percentage was 23.8% for the same school year (4). The graduation rate for the 2021-2022 school year shows 83% of students graduating, which mirrors the graduation rate of the district at 83.3% (5).

Our school has a student-to-teacher ratio of 11-1. Regarding student diversity, 93.2% percent of the students are African American, 1.6% identify as white, 2.8% of two or more races, 1.7% identify as Hispanic, and 0.7% identify as other (6).


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