Writing About Nature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Demographics
  2. Rationale
  3. Why Must Students Appreciate Nature and its Forest
  4. The Impact of International Travel: Teachers and Students Testify
  5. Philanthropic Dollars Make Dreams Realities
  6. Justice Scholars: University Collaboration
  7. Activities
  8. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  9. Notes

Creating First-Class Experiences for Forgotten Schools: Why Not Us?

Sean Means

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:


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  15. Vanque Jones, interview by Sean Means, New Haven, July 2023.
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  27. Cunningham, , “Using Service Learning as a Tool to Develop Intercultural Understanding,” Journal entry, June 26.
  28. Cunningham, , “Using Service Learning as a Tool to Develop Intercultural Understanding,” Journal entry, June 23.
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  30. Cunningham, , “Using Service Learning as a Tool to Develop Intercultural Understanding,” Journal entry, June 23.
  31. Cunningham, , “Using Service Learning as a Tool to Develop Intercultural Understanding,” page 5.
  32. Mike Doody, interview by Sean Means, New Haven, July 2023.
  33. Doody, interview.
  34. Doody, interview.
  35. Doody, interview.
  36. Holly Bryk, interview by Sean Means, New Haven, July 2023.
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  39. Bryk, interview.
  40. Bryk, interview.
  41. Porter, Michael and Kramer, Mark K. “Philanthropy’s New Agenda: Creating Value.” Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec 1999. https://hbr.org/1999/11/philanthropys-new-agenda-creating-value.  
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