Appendix on Implementing District Standards
Standard - 12.1.1.S1.B Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases and structures during activities with the teacher, classmates, and family.
Standard - 12.3.1.S1.CModel life skills and social interactions in the target language culture and one’s own culture.
Standard - 12.3.1.S2.BWrite and perform simple role-plays reflecting daily life in a culturally competent manner.
Standard - 12.3.S1.C Describe similarities and differences of life skills and social structures in personal interactions between cultures.
Standard - 12.3.S4.CAnalyze perspectives, beliefs, and assumptions are evident in the target and other cultures.
Standard - 12.5.1.S3.Use speaking, writing, and reading to compare and connect local, national, and global employment opportunities for those who speak English and those who speak English and a target language.