Appendix on Implementing District Standards
Arizona Mathematics Standards classify fractions under Number and Operations. The standard states that students will understand fractions as numbers. In third grade, students are expected to learn fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, 8. Standard 3. NF.A.2 wants students to understand a fraction as a number on the number line and represent fractions on a number line diagram.24 I will cover this standard in my unit when I teach students how to draw a number line and partition the unit into parts. Standard three. NF.A.3, which expects students to explain the equivalence of fractions and compare fractions by reasoning about their size will also be taught in this unit.
Pre-K – 3rd Dine Culture Standard 1, Concept 1, P.O. 3 – I will recognize cultural items and jewelry. This Dine Culture Standard will be used in this unit. The cultural item that I will use is Navajo sash. Navajo sash designs will be utilized to help students learn fractions, compare fractions, and find equivalent fractions.