Environmental Justice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Racism
  3. Environmental racism
  4. Environmental Justice
  5. School Demographics
  6. Rationale
  7. Planning Learning
  8. Notes
  9. Annotated Bibliography
  10. Appendix on Implementing District Standards

Colored: An Introduction to Environmentalism

Gwendolyn Gail Nixon

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:


Some of my Ss may not see the relevance of what happened in Flint and at Standing Rock, nor the College Board and the district’s core reading, writing, speaking, and listening objectives. I know that many of the Ss in my classes are assigned to my AP courses, though they have made it clear that they neither like to read nor write. It is my job to build relationships, guide their learning beyond what they believe they might accomplish, as well as showcase the joy and resiliency of BIPOC. I provide texts that explain why BIPOC are a resilient group. Too, this unit is hefty with numerous activities because my thinking is some Ss will need abbreviated work, while others will need extension assignments. There are no hard lines about how to teach this unit, except when I introduce Socratic seminars, and practice with Ss the expectations. The learning is mostly project-based, and easy for me to tier. Tier 1, is what every Ss should know and be able to do, at grade level. Most Tier 1 Ss receive extension assignments, and or independent work. Tier 2 Ss demonstrate some proficiency, but may need some assistance; whereas, Tier 3 Ss, do not demonstrate reading, writing, and or speaking proficiency, and often need remediation. This unit provides multiple ways to access learning, as tiering is an instructional strategy that provide Ss an opportunity to meet grade-level standards. Too, I am aware of the influences that impact many of their lives: low prior learning experiences, gun violence, drug- abuse, single-parent households, many of whom live with grandparents, as some of their parents are incarcerated. I also know that this is not the lived experiences of all Ss and that identities are fluid, and with support and guidance, Ss learning can be successful and they may prosper, especially when they see themselves in the literature in ways that empower them.  


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