Environmental Justice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Racism
  3. Environmental racism
  4. Environmental Justice
  5. School Demographics
  6. Rationale
  7. Planning Learning
  8. Notes
  9. Annotated Bibliography
  10. Appendix on Implementing District Standards

Colored: An Introduction to Environmentalism

Gwendolyn Gail Nixon

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:


1 Anderson, Elijah, The White Space, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 2015, 10.

2 Figure 1 Drawing by Matthew, a student in my AP Language class when I piloted this unit, Spring 2023.

3 Slipek, Edwin, The Lost Neighborhood, Style Weekly, 2006.

4 Hale, Kore, Wells Fargo Is Taking A Hard Pass, Forbes, 2022.

5 Spencer, Alexa, More Trees. The Observer, Words in Black, 2023.

6 Jakes, Thomas, and Lenard McKelvey. “Disruptive Conversations,” YouTube, 2023.

7 Johnson, Ayana, et al. All We Can Save, One World, 2020, 158.

8 Ibid, 189.

9 Gay, Kathlyn, Pollution and the Powerless, 16.

10 Kim, Juliana. “VP Harris Says Florida’s,” NPR, 2023.

11 Barakat, Matthew and Sarah Rankin, Youngkin looks to root out, Associated Press, 2022.

12 Bullard, Robert and Glenn Johnson, Environmental Justice, 555.

13 Gay, Kathlyn, Pollution and the Powerless, Impact Books, 1994.

14 Ibid, 21.

15 Chavis, Benjamin, Toxic Waste and Race, Commission for Racial Justice, 1987, ix.

16 Ibid

17 Cooper, Candy, Polluted, 2022, 62.

18 Villarosa, Linda, Under the Skin, 37.

19 Johnson, Ayana et al, All We Can Save, 2020, 158, 225.

20 Ngozi Adichie, Chimamanda, The Danger, TED, 2013. 

21 Washington, Harriet, Terrible Thing, 172.

22 Ibid, 152.

23 Ibid, 331-332

24 Salahieh, Nouran and Lauren Mascarenhas, 2 killed, CNN, June 7, 2023.

25 Washington, Harriet, Terrible Thing, 174.

26 Public School Review, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Department of Education.

27Roth, Charles E., Earthlore Associates and the Center for Environmental Education of Antioch New England

Institute, 2002.

28 “Anx B Filmed in House Kristiana Chan Bodies of Water Video Installation.” YouTube, 2021.

29 Hawken, Paul, Blessed Unrest, New York, 2007. 23.

30 Figure 2, Word Wall, Spring 2023, AP Language and Composition

31 Rostock, Suzanne, dir. “Don’t Let Them Get Away,” SANKOFA. Accessed July 27, 2023.

32 Cobb, Jelani and David Remnick, The Matter of Black Lives, HarperCollins, 2021, 99-103.

33 Ibid, 106-118.

34 Ibid, 247-263.

35 Murray, Pauli, Mr. Roosevelt Regrets (Detroit Riot, 1943), Poetry Foundation.

36 Amnesty International, The Youth Rising, 32.

37 Korol, Todd, et al. “Poisoned People, YouTube, 2016.

38 Baurlein, Mark, 2008. The Dumbest Generation, Penguin Books, 234.

39 Glover, Donald, Feels Like Summer, YouTube.

40 Howell, Zaria, et al. In Segregated Chicago, 2020. 

41 Cohen, Samuel, 50 Essays, Bedford, 2017.

42 RVAgreen 2050 Climate Equity Index.

43 Glustrom, Alexander, When Great Trees Fall, PBS, 2020. 

44 Emelle Alabama, Home of the Nation’s Largest Hazardous Waste.

45 Ibid. 

46 Lindstrom, Carole and Michaela Goade, we are Water, 2020, 2-3

47 “7 Young Activists, DoSomething.org.

48Pratt-Tuke, Jacqueline, Moving Mountains.

49 Lindstrom, Carole, and Michaela Goade. We are water, 2020, 5-8.

50 The Fight over the Dakota, YouTube, 2016.


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