Student Resources
Nordstrom, Kristen, and Paul Boston. 2021. Mimic Makers: Biomimicry Inventors Inspired by Nature. Watertown, Ma: Charlesbridge.
This is a beautiful book with examples of biomimicry and even includes the inventors. This is a great book to focus on one machine/tool a day.
Ansberry, Karen. 2020. Nature Did It First. Dawn Publications.
This is another book with beautiful images that gives multiple examples of biomimicry and includes STEM activities as well.
Brody, Walt. 2021. How Is a Turbine Like a Whale Fin? Lerner Publications TM.
Here is another student-friendly book that shows examples of biomimicry.
Dorion, Christiane. 2021. Invented by Animals: Meet the Creatures Who Inspired Our Everyday Technology. London: Wide Eyed Editions.
This is a cute and cartoon-styled book that shows examples of biomimicry and focuses on animals.
Herba, Gosia. 2022. Powered by Plants: Meet the trees, flowers, and vegetation that inspire our everyday technology. London: Wide Eyed Editions.
This is another cartoon-styled book that shows examples of biomimicry and focuses on plants.
“Play the Biomimicry Memory Match Game.” n.d. LRNG. Accessed August 4, 2023.
This is a great extension activity, it is a memory match game with pictures for students to match the invention to the animal that has inspired it.
“LESSON PLAN INSPIRED by NATURE (BIOMIMICRY) GRADES K-2.” n.d. Accessed August 4, 2023.
This resource has an example of a lesson plan about biomimicry that can be used for grades kindergarten through second grade.