Nature-Inspired Solutions to Disease Problems


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. School Demographics
  4. Overview
  5. What is Biomimicry and Biodiversity and why do they matter?
  6. Biomimicry and Medicine
  7. Biomimicry and Tools/Machines
  8. Now What?
  9. Teaching Strategies
  10. Classroom Activities
  11. Activity One- Compare and Connect
  12. Activity 2- Mimic Matching
  13. Activity Three-Mimic Who?
  14. Activity 4- Nature Walk
  15. Bibliography
  16. Endnotes
  17. Teacher Resources
  18. Student Resources
  19. Appendix-Implementing District Standards

Nature Says Do This: Solving Problems by Mimicking Nature

Aliyah Hoye

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

Student Resources

Nordstrom, Kristen, and Paul Boston. 2021. Mimic Makers: Biomimicry Inventors Inspired by Nature. Watertown, Ma: Charlesbridge.

This is a beautiful book with examples of biomimicry and even includes the inventors. This is a great book to focus on one machine/tool a day.

Ansberry, Karen. 2020. Nature Did It First. Dawn Publications.

This is another book with beautiful images that gives multiple examples of biomimicry and includes STEM activities as well.

Brody, Walt. 2021. How Is a Turbine Like a Whale Fin? Lerner Publications TM.

‌Here is another student-friendly book that shows examples of biomimicry.

Dorion, Christiane. 2021. Invented by Animals: Meet the Creatures Who Inspired Our Everyday Technology. London: Wide Eyed Editions.

This is a cute and cartoon-styled book that shows examples of biomimicry and focuses on animals. 

‌Herba, Gosia. 2022. Powered by Plants: Meet the trees, flowers, and vegetation that inspire our everyday technology. London: Wide Eyed Editions.

This is another cartoon-styled book that shows examples of biomimicry and focuses on plants.

“Play the Biomimicry Memory Match Game.” n.d. LRNG. Accessed August 4, 2023.

This is a great extension activity, it is a memory match game with pictures for students to match the invention to the animal that has inspired it.

“LESSON PLAN INSPIRED by NATURE (BIOMIMICRY) GRADES K-2.” n.d. Accessed August 4, 2023.

This resource has an example of a lesson plan about biomimicry that can be used for grades kindergarten through second grade.


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