Landscape, Art, and Ecology


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Unit Overview
  3. My Philosophy of Visual Arts Instruction
  4. Background and Cross-Curricular Approach
  5. Content and Learning Objectives
  6. Teaching Strategies and Activities
  7. Reading Art (Critique Sheet)/ Photography History
  8. Classroom and Reinforcement Activities
  9. Appendix on Implementing Texas Education Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
  10. Notes
  11. Resources

The Eye of the Beholder: Climate Change Awareness

Willie Keener

Published September 2024

Tools for this Unit:


Bibliography for Teachers

Alan C. Braddock, “Icon of Extinction and Resistance”, in Kaarl Kusserow and Alan C. Braddock, Nature's Nation: American Art and Environment, Princeton: Princeton Art Museum, 2018).American Security Project, June 2014

Anne McClintock, “Ghostscapes from the Forever War,” Anne McClintock, “Ghostscapes from the Forever War,” in Nature’s Nation: American Art and Environment, edited by Karl Kusserow and Alan C. Braddock (Princeton: Princeton University Art Museum, and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2018), 272-289. 

Author(s): Union of Concerned Scientists, Union of Concerned Scientists (2018) Stable.  Heat Waves and Climate Change: The Effects of Worsening Heat on People, Communities, and Infrastructure URL:

Cai, Stephanie. "Impact of Oil Boom in Texas." Order No. 30674860, Lancaster University (United Kingdom), 2023, (accessed May 4, 2024).

Gao, Shihui, Syed Farouq Ali M., and Mohamed Y. Soliman. "Fracture Modeling of Shale Oil and Gas Reservoirs in Texas." Energies 16, no. 17 (2023): 6265, (accessed May 4, 2024).

Geoff Quilley, “`The Pastoral Plantation `The Pastoral Plantation,” An Economy of Colour: Visual Culture and the Atlantic World, 1660-1830, ed. Geoff Quilley and Kay Dian Kriz (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2003), 106–28.

Hazleton, Jared. “Economy,” in The Impact of Global Warming on Texas, ed., Jurgen Schmandt, Judith Clarkson, and Gerald R. North (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009),

Heather Ahtone, "Sky as Place, Land as Body, Landscape as Spiritual Compass, ky as Place, Land as Body, Landscape as Spiritual Compass," and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Land/Landbase/Landscape," in The Land Carries Our Ancestors: Contemporary Art by Native Americans (Washington: National Gallery of Art and Princeton University Press, 2023), 12-26 and entries. Holland, Andrew.

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Jasper, Sabrina. "Heat Stress Impacts from Potential Climate Change on Texas Dairy Operations." Order No. 28256786, Tarleton State University, 2020, (accessed May 4, 2024).

Jennifer Raab, “Horizon Lines,” in Frederic Church: The Art and Science of Detail (Yale University Press, 2015), 165-183.

Jennifer Raab, “The Art of Alchemy: Golden Pictures, or Turning Extractive Capitalism into American Individualism, Download Jennifer Raab, “The Art of Alchemy: Golden Pictures, or Turning Extractive Capitalism into American Individualism,” in El Dorado: A Reader, ed. Aimé Iglesias Lukin, Tie Jojima, Karen Marta, and Edward J. Sullivan (New York: Americas Society, 2024), 72-81.

Julia Lum and Gabrielle Moser (response), “The Invisible and Inalienable Wind”:

Julia Lum, “Fire-Stick Picturesque: Landscape Art and Early Colonial Tasmania,” British Art Studies 10 (November 2018):

Katherine Fein, “page 20-23 Katherine Fein.pdf Download page 20-23 Katherine Fein.pdf

Mac Griswold, “A View of the World”, Landscape Architecture Magazine, February 2018

Mónica Domínguez Torres, “Pearls for the King: Phillip II and the New World Pearl Industry,” in Picture Ecology: Art and Ecocriticism in Planetary Perspective, edited by Karl Kusserow (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Art Museum and Princeton University Press, 2021), 80-93.

Nordquist, Zane. "Changes in the Future Statistical Properties of Temperature & Heat Waves in Texas due to Climate Change." Order No. 28717634, The University of Texas at San Antonio, 2021, (accessed May 4, 2024).

Picturing White Skin on Elephant Tusk,” American Art 36, no. 3 (Fall 2022): 20-23. 

Siobhan Angus, “Mining the History of Photography,” Mining the History of Photography,” in Capitalism and the Camera: Essays on Photography and Extraction, edited by Kevin Coleman and Daniel James (London: Verso, 2021), 55-73.

Sria Chatterjee, "The Arts, Environmental Justice, and the Ecological Crisis," British Art Studies 18 (November 2020):

Sria Chatterjee, "The Arts, Environmental Justice, and the Ecological Crisis", British Art Studies, Issue 18,

Tim Barringer “The Course of Empires,” in Andrew Wilton and Tim Barringer, eds., American Sublime: Landscape Painting in the United States, 1820–1880, (London: Tate; Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002), 39-65.

Tim Barringer, "Landscape Then and Now", British Art Studies, Issue 10,

Tim Barringer, “Introduction,” Pastures Green and Dark Satanic Mills: The British Passion for Landscape, New York: AFA, 2014

Tim Barringer, “There’s the Life for a Man Like Me”: Rural Life and Labor in Edwardian Art and Music Download There’s the Life for a Man Like Me”: Rural Life and Labor in Edwardian Art and Music” from Angus Trumble and Andrea Wolk Rager, Edwardian Opulence, Yale Center for British Art, c.2014

Woolery, Sadie, Edward Osei, Mark Yu, Selin Guney, Ashley Lovell, and Hussain Jafri. "The Carbon Footprint of a 5000-Milking-Head Dairy Operation in Central Texas." Agriculture 13, no. 11 (2023): 2109, (accessed May 4, 2024).


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