Landscape, Art, and Ecology


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Unit Overview
  3. Overview of the four topics in this unit.
  4. My Philosophy of History and Ethnic Studies integration
  5. Demographics
  6. Background
  7. Learning Objectives
  8. Content
  9. Conclusions
  10. Teaching Strategies-
  11. Classroom Activities-
  12. Appendix on Implementing Standards.
  13. Notes

Extraction of Profits in the Gold Rush: Chinese Miners and California Ecology

Melissa Muntz

Published September 2024

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing Standards.

California State Standards for Social Studies which are addressed in this unit:

11.1.4. Examine… demographic shifts and the emergence in the late nineteenth century of the United States as a world power.

11.2.2. Describe the changing landscape, including the growth of cities linked by industry and trade, and the development of cities divided according to race, ethnicity, and class.

11.2.6 Trace the economic development of the United States and its emergence as a major industrial power, including its gains from trade and the advantages of its physical geography.

Key Outcomes from the University of California at Berkeley Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum

Sample Theme #2 History and Movement

2. How should societies integrate newcomers? How do newcomers develop a sense of belonging to the places where they have arrived?

3. How does migration affect the identities of individuals, communities, and nations?


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