Content Objectives
The standards that this unit will address come from the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). Virginia chose not to adopt the Common Core or Next Generation Science Standards.
The primary standards covered in this unit are ENV.7 which ask students to investigate and understand Earth’s resources are finite by exploring certain resources that are nonrenewable because it can take up to millions of years to replenish. Additionally, students are asked to investigate the environmental and commercial benefits and drawbacks of different energy sources, to include fossil fuels, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and nuclear power. This unit will also cover ENV.8 which asks students to investigate how human consumption of energy will affect the future availability of nonrenewable resources and how the effects of natural and human-caused activities may either contribute to or challenge an ecologically sustainable environment. This unit will also connect to standards that cover human behaviors that impact the environment, climate change and possible solutions for the future.