Content Objectives
Since we will be studying the physical manifestation of energy in this unit, we will be approaching energy conservation from a somewhat different perspective. The most recent Boston Dynamic-type robots and the James Webb space telescope are examples of technological advancements of ancient technologies that have been in use for more than two millennia and continue to increase the energy efficiency of operations.1 All physical forces are just manifestations of energy at work, and in this section, we will investigate in detail how efficient a system is in conveying energy from one side to the other using both equations and practical experiments. We shall be expanding in many respects upon the work of Josiah Willard Gibbs, who in 1863 received the first engineering doctorate in the United States from Yale University. In order to better understand the various interacting geometrical or key mechanical precision that need to be taken into account to decrease wear and boost efficiency, Gibbs studied the interaction between the surfaces of the wheel's teeth in his PhD thesis on the form of the key of wheels in spur gearing.2 My eighth-grade physical science students in Oklahoma learn about the application of force through a system of interactions and how that energy output varies in this unit.
For a system to be efficient, all its components must be monitored to ensure efficiency and minimize loss. Energy is defined as "a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work."3 Many of the advancements in energy efficiency and green energy are readily apparent to our pupils, such as the widespread use of solar farms and wind turbines/windmills that provide renewable energy. We also teach students about how to use energy created by smart grid transmission and optimization for end users such as lights, heating, and electronics. But frequently, our students fail to understand the inner workings of those systems that boost efficiency, particularly in mechanical devices where gearing is used. Energy at work takes the form of physical forces. In this section, we will investigate the efficiency and inefficiency of a system while transferring energy from one side to the other using both equations and practical experiments. Over time, there have been notable developments in mechanical drive systems that have resulted in increased efficiency across a range of industrial and commercial applications. The need for increased productivity and performance, combined with technological developments and a deeper comprehension of mechanical principles, has led to the growth of gear drive systems.