Materials/Resources for Lesson Plans
Lesson 1: Chart Paper, Post-it Notes, flash cards with 4 positive and 3 negative examples of free speech, newspapers for each group of students, scissors or magic markers,
Presentation system (over-head projector, white screen, speakers), Internet-connected computer per student, Kidspiration Software
Ben's Guide to the Us Government for Kids>
This site includes grade-leveled resources and activities for learning about the government.
Justice for Kids>
This site provides information on different aspects of justice - like Internet crimes, drug prevention and laws that protect your rights. It has specific areas designated for kids K-5th, youth 6th-12th, teachers and parents.
Lesson 2: Prepared script, paper and markers for making name cards, journals,
Presentation System, Internet resources, prepared scrip with hotlinks on each student computer, journals
The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States>
A short history of the wording of the Pledge of Allegiance is given in an attractive format. The site contains other links for information on our founding documents.>
This site offers a more detailed history of the Pledge of Allegiance with photographs and related links.
Lesson 3: Questionnaire, PowerPoint Presentation, T Chart, Guidelines for Assessment
Copies of Preamble and Bill of Rights, Digital Cameras, iMovie, iPhoto, and iTunes Software, Musical CD's
School House Rock: America Rock>
Students can view the wording of the Preamble and listen to a musical rendition.
Sources for Images for classroom use>> > (image search)