War and Civil Liberties


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Objectives
  4. Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Lesson Plans
  7. Teacher Bibliography
  8. Student Bibliography
  9. Appendix
  10. Materials/Resources for Lesson Plans
  11. Notes

Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security

Rita A. Sorrentino

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:


This three-week curriculum unit is designed for fifth grade students. The class consists of 33 inner city students in a self-contained classroom. They will have some basic understanding of the Constitution and Bill of Rights prior to their participation in this curriculum unit. They will also have experience using the computer and most of the applications mentioned in this unit.

The unit provides a lens for looking at the issue of civil liberties through several case studies during wartime. Lessons will include a presentation in the fifth grade class followed by exploration and research in the computer lab. The unit will consist of three areas: Rights and Responsibilities (Constitution in Daily Life), Civil Liberties during Wartime (Civil War and Cold War Cases) and Privacy and Public Information (Privacy and the Patriot Act.)

I have several reasons for focusing my curriculum unit in this direction. First, students frequently complain about having to spend time learning about long-ago events and dead people. Secondly, they do question issues of Internet filtering as well as school rules regarding uniforms and cell phones. Thirdly, I want students to use technology as a tool for thinking in meaningful ways. Ultimately, I hope that their participation in this unit will help them make connections between historical events and their own lives. I hope to prepare them to appreciate, but not take for granted, the freedoms they enjoy, especially in areas of communication, entertainment and technology.


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