War and Civil Liberties


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Objectives
  4. Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Lesson Plans
  7. Teacher Bibliography
  8. Student Bibliography
  9. Appendix
  10. Materials/Resources for Lesson Plans
  11. Notes

Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security

Rita A. Sorrentino

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:


This unit will be taught by partnering social studies and computer classes. In the social studies class, students will use comprehension strategies that develop literacy skills and processes for transacting with a variety of texts. They will utilize strategies for before, during and after reading activities to activate background knowledge, accommodate new information, and make text-to-self and text-to world connections. In computer class they will extend learning through graphic organizers, intentional Internet searches and creation of multimedia projects. Using software applications that are easy to edit will allow students to become reflective learners and view technology as a partner for thinking about, learning with and evaluating historical information.

Concept Formation

Concept formation involves the recognition that some events belong together while others do not. This skill is important for understanding material in most if not all areas of study. Students guess what the concept is as the teacher presents positive and negative examples. The teacher may choose to present the examples verbally or use sectioned chart paper to display them one at a time. Pictorial examples in a PowerPoint Presentation can serve as another alternative. The thinking and discussion involved in the activity will help students create new and expanded understandings of the concept.

Discussion Continuum

A discussion continuum uses a line with agree/disagree endpoints. Chart paper, chalkboard or a spreadsheet can be used for this activity. Students will record their feelings toward a given statement. They will place a signed post-it note somewhere on the line to indicate their feelings toward the statement, or if using a spreadsheet, input their initials in a cell. The teacher will facilitate a discussion with students as they talk about where and why they put their note. This will be saved and revisited after the other learning activities. The exercise should help promote student interest, because they will have taken positions early on, and it can also help them see how learning can lead them to change their views even on matters they care about a great deal.

Anticipation Guide

An anticipation guide contains a list of statements that are related to the topic the students are learning. While some of the statements may be clearly true or false, an anticipation guide includes other statements that may challenge students' preconceived ideas about a certain topic. Students respond to the statements prior to reading or discussing a topic, indicating whether they agree or disagree. The statements activate prior knowledge, set purpose for reading, provide opportunity to clear up misconceptions, and accommodate new information.

Role Playing

To involve students in active listening and critical thinking, they will be invited to assume the role of a professional from a prepared list. Students then listen to or read the material from their selected perspective. Afterward, those with similar roles meet in small groups to prepare a statement for the class explaining their position. One person from each group will report their group's response to the class.

Concept Maps

Concept maps or semantic networks are tools that can quickly be used prior to Internet searching or transacting with text. They help students identify key words, make cognitive connections, and anticipate integration of new knowledge. Subsequently, the maps can be used to expand or explain concepts as new information is learned. While not exclusively a computer tool, the use of technology makes them easy to edit. Their true value comes from frequent reflection and revision.


Kidspiration is a software application that creates concept maps and other graphic organizers. It helps students organize and represent their ideas. Kidspiration is a very kid-friendly computer tool for visual thinking and learning. Although students can also use chart paper to construct graphic organizers, this tool allows them to combine pictures, text and spoken words to represent thoughts and information. Since it is easy to edit, students can play with ideas and enlarge their thinking. They can use built in features to show relationships, switch to writing view to expand their ideas into written expression, and, when needed, transfer their work to a word processing document.

Intentional Internet Searching

Frequently, students get lost in cyberspace by following links that take them away from rather than toward their learning goals. Many students need focusing and intentionality when using the Internet for learning and meaning making. Intentional searching helps students find the information they need to construct knowledge and represent their ideas.

A scavenger hunt or a web quest is a focused research activity prepared by the teacher to help students gain knowledge of a subject while practicing Internet navigation skills. By guiding them to specific locations, the teacher helps students have a clear purpose for locating information to answer a question, establish background or evaluate ideas.


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